
MVC Chess GUI using Java and bitboards

Primary LanguageJava

Chess MVC


This is a fully functioning MVC Chess GUI written in Java. It leverages the Processing library for the graphical user interface, ControlP5 for buttons, and JUnit for testing.

The chess logic is implemented using bitboards with a little endian rank file mapping board representation. All chess rules are implemented including castling king and queenside, en passant, pawn promotions and draw by 75 move rule.

All the techniques used to implement this chess game are documented in the chess programming wiki.


The code is structured as a monorepo with the following projects and dependencies.


New game

Highlighted source square

Legal moves per piece

Error feedback

Draw offers


Pawn promotions




  • jdk 21
  • node
  • pnpm

Getting started

1. Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/clemenscodes/chess.git
cd chess

2. Install build dependencies

pnpm install

3. Start

pnpm start


Using an IDE like IntelliJ will also build and start the project without additional configuration.

JShell e2e testing

To test the model using the jshell, simply run the jshell script:

pnpm jshell

or manually:

jshell --class-path dist/api:dist/model --startup e2e/model.jshell


pnpm run docs