
Embree ray tracing kernels repository.

Primary LanguageC++

## ======================================================================== ##
## Copyright 2009-2014 Intel Corporation                                    ##
##                                                                          ##
## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");          ##
## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.         ##
## You may obtain a copy of the License at                                  ##
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##     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0                           ##
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## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software      ##
## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,        ##
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## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and      ##
## limitations under the License.                                           ##
## ======================================================================== ##

= Embree: High Performance Ray Tracing Kernels 2.3.3  =

== Embree Overview  ==

Embree is a collection of high-performance ray tracing kernels, developed at
Intel. The target user of Embree are graphics application engineers that want
to improve the performance of their application by leveraging the optimized ray
tracing kernels of Embree. The kernels are optimized for photo-realistic
rendering on the latest Intel® processors with support for SSE, AVX, AVX2, and
the 16-wide Xeon Phi[TM] vector instructions. Embree supports runtime code
selection to choose the traversal and build algorithms that best matches the
instruction set of your CPU. We recommend using Embree through its API to get
the highest benefit from future improvements. Embree is released as Open Source
under the Apache 2.0 license.

Embree supports applications written with the Intel SPMD Programm Compiler
(ISPC, http://ispc.github.com) by also providing an ISPC interface to the core
ray tracing algorithms. This makes it possible to write a renderer in ISPC that
leverages SSE, AVX, AVX2, and Xeon Phi[TM] instructions without any code
change. ISPC also supports runtime code selection, thus ISPC will select the
best code path for your application, while Embree selects the optimal code path
for the ray tracing algorithms.

Embree contains algorithms optimized for incoherent workloads (e.g. Monte Carlo
ray tracing algorithms) and coherent workloads (e.g. primary visibility and
hard shadow rays). For standard CPUs, the single-ray traversal kernels in
Embree provide the best performance for incoherent workloads and are very easy
to integrate into existing rendering applications. For Xeon Phi[TM], a renderer
written in ISPC using the default hybrid ray/packet traversal algorithms have
shown to perform best, but requires writing the renderer in ISPC. In general
for coherent workloads, ISPC outperforms the single ray mode on each platform.
Embree also supports dynamic scenes by implementing high performance two-level
spatial index structure construction algorithms.

In addition to the ray tracing kernels, Embree provides some tutorials to
demonstrate how to use the Embree API. The example photorealistic renderer that
was originally included in the Embree kernel package is now available in a
separate GIT repository (see Embree Example Renderer).

== Supported Platforms  ==

Embree supports Windows (32bit and 64bit), Linux (64 bit) and Mac OS X (64
bit). The code compiles with the Intel Compiler, the Microsoft Compiler, GCC
and CLANG. Using the Intel Compiler improves performance by approximately 10%.
Performance also varies across different operating systems. Embree is optimized
for Intel CPUs supporting SSE, AVX, and AVX2 instructions, and requires at
least a CPU with support for SSE2.

The Xeon Phi[TM] version of Embree only works under Linux in 64bit mode. For
compilation of the the Xeon Phi[TM] code the Intel Compiler is required. The
host side code compiles with GCC, CLANG, and the Intel Compiler.

== Compiling Embree on Linux and Mac OS X  ==

Embree requires the Intel SPMD Compiler (ISPC) to compile. We have tested ISPC
version 1.6.0 and 1.7.0, but more recent versions of ISPC should also work. You
can download and install the ISPC binaries from ispc.github.com. After
installation, put the path to the ispc executable permanently into your PATH.

 export PATH=path-to-ispc:$PATH

You additionally have to install CMake and the developer version of GLUT. Under
Mac OS X, these dependencies can be installed using MacPorts:

 sudo port install cmake freeglut

Under Linux you can install these dependencies using yum or apt-get. Depending
on your Linux distribution, some of these packages might already be installed
or might have slightly different names.

Type the following to install the dependencies using yum:

 sudo yum install cmake.x86_64
 sudo yum install freeglut.x86_64 freeglut-devel.x86_64
 sudo yum install libXmu.x86_64 libXi.x86_64
 sudo yum install libXmu-devel.x86_64 libXi-devel.x86_64

Type the following to install the dependencies using apt-get:

 sudo apt-get install cmake-curses-gui
 sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev
 sudo apt-get install libxmu-dev libxi-dev

Finally you can compile Embree using CMake. Create a build directory and
execute "ccmake .." inside this directory.

 mkdir build
 cd build
 ccmake ..

This will open a configuration dialog where you can perform various
configurations as described below. After having configured Embree, press c (for
configure) and g (for generate) to generate a Makefile and leave the
configuration. The code can be compiled by executing make.


The executables will be generated inside the build folder. We recommend to
finally install the Embree library and header files on your system:

 sudo make install

If you cannot install Embree on your system (e.g. when you don't have
administrator rights) you need to add embree_root_directory/build to your
LD_LIBRARY_PATH (and SINK_LD_LIBRARY_PATH in case you want to use Embree on
Xeon Phi[TM]).

The default configuration in the configuration dialog should be appropiate for
most usages. The following table described all parameters that can be

Parameter                  Description                           Default Value

BUILD_TUTORIALS            Builds the C++ version of the Embree  ON

BUILD_TUTORIALS_ISPC       Builds the ISPC version of the Embree ON

                           Can be used to switch between Debug
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE           mode (Debug) and Release mode         Release

COMPILER                   Select either GCC, ICC, or CLANG as   GCC

RTCORE_INTERSECTION_FILTER Enables the intersection filter       ON

RTCORE_BUFFER_STRIDE       Enables buffer stride feature.        ON

RTCORE_RAY_MASK            Enables the ray masking feature.      OFF

RTCORE_SPINLOCKS           Enables faster spinlocks for some     OFF

                           Select highest ISA on Xeon[TM] CPUs
XEON_ISA                   (SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2,   AVX2
                           AVX, AVX-I, AVX2)

XEON_PHI_ISA               Enables generation of Xeon Phi[TM]    OFF
                           version of kernels and tutorials.

You need at least Intel Compiler 11.1 or GCC 4.4 to enable AVX and Intel
Compiler 12.1 or GCC 4.7 to enable AVX2.

== Compiling Embree for Xeon Phi  ==

Embree supports the Xeon Phi[TM] coprocessor under Linux. To compile Embree for
Xeon Phi[TM] you need to enable the XEON_PHI_ISA option in CMake and have the
Intel Compiler and the Intel[TM] Manycore Platform Software Stack (MPSS)

Enabling the buffer stride feature reduces performance for building spatial
hierarchies on Xeon Phi[TM].

== Compiling Embree on Windows  ==

Embree requires the Intel SPMD Compiler (ISPC) to compile. We have tested ISPC
version 1.6.0 and 1.7.0, but more recent versions of ISPC should also work. You
can download and install the ISPC binaries from ispc.github.com. After
installation, put the path to ispc.exe permanently into your PATH environment
variable. You have to restart Visual Studio for this change to take effect.

For compilation of Embree under Windows use the Visual Studio solution file
embree.sln. The project compiles in 32 bit and 64 bit mode. The solution is by
default setup to use the Microsoft Compiler. You can switch to the Intel
Compiler by right clicking onto the solution in the Solution Explorer and then
selecting the Intel Compiler. We recommend using 64 bit mode and the Intel
Compiler for best performance.

In Visual Studio, you will find 4 build configurations, Debug (for SSE2 debug
mode), Release (for SSE2 release mode), ReleaseAVX (for AVX release mode), and
ReleaseAVX2 (for AVX2 release mode). When using the Microsoft Compiler you can
only use the Debug and Release configuration. For enabling the ReleaseAVX
configuration you need at least Intel Compiler 11.1 and for the ReleaseAVX2
configuration you need at least Intel Compiler 12.1.

Most configuration parameters described for the Linux build can be set under
Windows by commenting out the appropiate lines in the common/sys/platform.h

We recommend enabling syntax highlighting for the .ispc source and .isph header
files. To do so open Visual Studio 2008, go to Tools -> Options -> Text Editor
-> File Extension and add the isph and ispc extension for the "Microsoft Visual
C++" editor.

== Embree Tutorials  ==

Embree comes with a set of tutorials aimed at helping users understand how
Embree can be used and extended. All tutorials exist in an ISPC and C version
to demonstrate the two versions of the API. Look for files named
tutorialXX_device.ispc for the ISPC implementation of the tutorial, and files
named tutorialXX_device.cpp for the single ray C++ version of the tutorial. To
start the C++ version use the tutorialXX executables, to start the ISPC version
use the tutorialXX_ispc executables.

Under Linux Embree also comes with an ISPC version of all tutorials for the
Xeon Phi[TM] Coprocessor. The executables of this version of the tutorials are
named tutorialXX_xeonphi and only work if a Xeon Phi[TM] Coprocessor is present
in the system. The Xeon Phi[TM] version of the tutorials get started on the
host CPU, just like all other tutorials, and will connect automatically to one
installed Xeon Phi[TM] Coprocessor in the system.

For all tutorials, you can select an initial camera using the -vp (camera
position), -vi (camera lookat point), -vu (camera up vector), and -fov
(vertical field of view) command line parameters:

 ./tutorial00 -vp 10 10 10 -vi 0 0 0

You can select the initial windows size using the -size command line parameter,
or start the tutorials in fullscreen using the -fullscreen parameter:

 ./tutorial00 -size 1024 1024
 ./tutorial00 -fullscreen

Implementation specific parameters can be passed to the ray tracing core
through the -rtcore command line parameter, e.g.:

 ./tutorial00 -rtcore verbose=2,threads=1,accel=bvh4.triangle1

The navigation in the interactive display mode follows the camera orbit model,
where the camera revolves around the current center of interest. With the left
mouse button you can rotate around the center of interest (the point initially
set with -vi). Holding Control pressed while klicking the left mouse button
rotates the camera around its location. You can also use the arrow keys for

You can use the following keys:

      Default shading
      Gray EyeLight shading
      Wireframe shading
      UV Coordinate visualization
      Geometry normal visualization
      Geometry ID visualization
      Geometry ID and Primitive ID visualization
      Simple shading with 16 rays per pixel for benchmarking.
      Switches to render cost visualization. Pressing again reduces brightness.
      Switches to render cost visualization. Pressing again increases
      Enters or leaves full screen mode.
      Prints camera parameters.
      Exists the tutorial.
      Exists the tutorial.
=== Tutorial00  ===

 This tutorial demonstrates the creation of a static cube and ground plane
 using triangle meshes. It also demonstrates the use of the rtcIntersect and
 rtcOccluded functions to render primary visibility and hard shadows. The cube
 sides are colored based on the ID of the hit primitive.

=== Tutorial01  ===

 This tutorial demonstrates the creation of a dynamic scene, consisting of
 several deformed spheres. Half of the spheres use the RTC_GEOMETRY_DEFORMABLE
 flag, which allows Embree to use a refitting strategy for these spheres, the
 other half uses the RTC_GEOMETRY_DYNAMIC flag, causing a rebuild of their
 spatial data structure each frame. The spheres are colored based on the ID of
 the hit sphere geometry.

=== Tutorial02  ===

 This tutorial shows the use of user defined geometry, to re-implement
 instancing and to add analytic spheres. A two level scene is created, with a
 triangle mesh as ground plane, and several user geometries, that instance
 other scenes with a small number of spheres of different kind. The spheres are
 colored using the instance ID and geometry ID of the hit sphere, to
 demonstrate how the same geometry, instanced in different ways can be

=== Tutorial03  ===

 This tutorial demonstrates a simple OBJ viewer that traces primary visibility
 rays only. A scene consisting of multiple meshes is created, each mesh sharing
 the index and vertex buffer with the application. Demonstrated is also how to
 support additional per vertex data, such as shading normals.

 You need to specify an OBJ file at the command line for this tutorial to work:
 ./tutorial03 -i model.obj

=== Tutorial04  ===

 This tutorial demonstrates the in-build instancing feature of Embree, by
 instancing a number of other scenes build from triangulated spheres. The
 spheres are again colored using the instance ID and geometry ID of the hit
 sphere, to demonstrate how the same geometry, instanced in different ways can
 be distinguished.

=== Tutorial05  ===

 This tutorial demonstrates the use of filter callback functions to efficiently
 implement transparent objects. The filter function used for primary rays, lets
 the ray pass through the geometry if it is entirely transparent. Otherwise the
 shading loop handles the transparency properly, by potentially shooting
 secondary rays. The filter function used for shadow rays accumulates the
 transparency of all surfaces along the ray, and terminates traversal if an
 opaque occluder is hit.

=== Tutorial06  ===

 This tutorial is a simple path tracer, building on tutorial03.

 You need to specify an OBJ file and light source at the command line for this
 tutorial to work: ./tutorial06 -i model.obj -ambientlight 1 1 1

=== Tutorial07  ===

 This tutorial demonstrates the use of the hair geometry to render a hairball.

== Embree API  ==

The Embree API is a low level ray tracing API that supports defining and
committing of geometry and performing ray queries of different types. Static
and dynamic scenes are supported, that may contain triangular geometry
(including linear motions for motion blur), instanced geometry, and user
defined geometry. Supported ray queries are, finding the closest scene
intersection along a ray, and testing a ray segment for any intersection with
the scene. Single rays, as well as packets of rays in a struct of array layout
can be used for packet sizes of 1, 4, 8, and 16. Filter callback functions are
supported, that get invoked for every intersection encountered during

The Embree API exists in a C++ and ISPC version. This document describes the
C++ version of the API, the ISPC version is almost identical. The only
differences are that the ISPC version needs some ISPC specific uniform type
modifiers, and limits the ray packets to the native SIMD size the ISPC code is
compiled for.

The user is supposed to include the embree2/rtcore.h, and the embree2/
rtcore_ray.h file, but none of the other header files. If using the ISPC
version of the API, the user should include embree2/rtcore.isph and embree2/

 #include <embree2/rtcore.h>
 #include <embree2/rtcore_ray.h>

All API calls carry the prefix rtc which stands for ray tracing core. Before
invoking any API call, the Embree ray tracing core has to get initialized
through the rtcInit call. Before the application exits it should call rtcExit.
Initializing Embree again after an rtcExit is allowed.


The rtcInit call initializes the ray tracing core. An optional configuration
string can be passed through this function to configure implementation specific
parameters. If this string is NULL, a default configuration is used, that is
optimal for most usages.

API calls that access geometries are only thread safe as long as different
geometries are accessed. Accesses to one geometry have to get sequentialized by
the application. All other API calls are thread safe. The rtcIntersect and
rtcOccluded calls are re-entrant, but only for other rtcIntersect and
rtcOccluded calls. It is thus safe to trace new rays when intersecting a user
defined object, but not supported to create new geometry inside the intersect
function of a user defined geometry.

Each user thread has its own error flag in the API. If an error occurs when
invoking some API function, this flag is set to an error code if it stores no
previous error. The rtcGetError function reads and returns the currently stored
error and clears the error flag again. For performance reasons the ray query
functions do not set an error flag in release mode, but do so if Embree is
compiled in debug mode.

Possible error codes returned by rtcGetError are:

Error Code            Description

RTC_NO_ERROR          No error occured.

RTC_UNKNOWN_ERROR     An unknown error has occured.

RTC_INVALID_ARGUMENT  An invalid argument was specified.

RTC_INVALID_OPERATION The operation is not allowed for the specified object.

RTC_OUT_OF_MEMORY     There is not enough memory left to complete the

RTC_UNSUPPORTED_CPU   The CPU is not supported as it does not support SSE2.

Using the rtcSetErrorFunction call, it is also possible to set a callback
function that is called whenever an error occurs. The callback function gets
passed the error code, as well as some string that describes the error further.
Passing NULL to rtcSetErrorFunction disables the set callback function again.
The previously described error flags are also set if an error callback function
is present.

=== Scene  ===

A scene is a container for a set of geometries of potentially different types.
A scene is created using the rtcNewScene function call, and destroyed using the
rtcDeleteScene function call. Two types of scenes are supported, dynamic and
static scenes. Different flags specify the type of scene to create and the type
of ray query operations that can later be performed on the scene. The following
example creates a scene that supports dynamic updates and the single ray
rtcIntersect and rtcOccluded calls.


Using the following scene flags the user can select between creating a static
and dynamic scene.

Scene Flag        Description

RTC_SCENE_STATIC  scene optimized for static geometry

RTC_SCENE_DYNAMIC scene optimized for dynamic geometry

A dynamic scene is created by invoking rtcNewScene with the RTC_SCENE_DYNAMIC
flag. Different geometries can now be created inside that scene. Geometries are
enabled by default. Once the scene geometry is specified, an rtcCommit call
will finish the scene description and trigger building of internal data
structures. After the rtcCommit call it is safe to perform ray queries of the
type specified at scene construction time. Geometries can get disabled
(rtcDisable call), enabled again (rtcEnable call), and deleted
(rtcDeleteGeometry call). Geometries can also get modified, including their
vertex and index arrays. After the modification of some geometry, rtcModified
has to get called for that geometry. If geometries got enabled, disabled,
deleted, or modified an rtcCommit call has to get invoked before performing any
ray queries for the scene, otherwise the effect of the ray query is undefined.

A static scene is created by the rtcNewScene call with the RTC_SCENE_STATIC
flag. Geometries can only be created and modified until the first rtcCommit
call. After the rtcCommit call, each access to any geometry of that static
scene is invalid, including enabling, disabling, modifying, and deletion of
geometries. Consequently, geometries that got created inside a static scene can
only get deleted by deleting the entire scene.

The following flags can be used to tune the used acceleration structure. These
flags are only hints and may be ignored by the implementation.

Scene Flag             Description

RTC_SCENE_COMPACT      Creates a compact data structure and avoids algorithms
                       that consume much memory.

RTC_SCENE_COHERENT     Optimize for coherent rays (e.g. primary rays)

RTC_SCENE_INCOHERENT   Optimize for in-coherent rays (e.g. diffuse reflection

RTC_SCENE_HIGH_QUALITY Build higher quality spatial data structures.

The following flags can be used to tune the traversal algorithm that is used by
Embree. These flags are only hints and may be ignored by the implementation.

Scene Flag       Description

RTC_SCENE_ROBUST Avoid optimizations that reduce arithmetic accuracy.

The second argument of the rtcNewScene function are algorithm flags, that allow
to specify which ray queries are required by the application. Calling for a
scene a ray query API function that is different to the ones specified at scene
creation time is not allowed. Further, the application should only pass ray
query requirements that are really needed, to give Embree most freedom in
choosing the best algorithm. E.g. in case Embree implements no packet
traversers for some highly optimized data structure for single rays, then this
data structure cannot be used if the user specifies any ray packet query.

Algorithm Flag  Description

RTC_INTERSECT1  Enables the rtcIntersect and rtcOccluded functions (single ray
                interface) for this scene

RTC_INTERSECT4  Enables the rtcIntersect4 and rtcOccluded4 functions (4-wide
                packet interface) for this scene

RTC_INTERSECT8  Enables the rtcIntersect8 and rtcOccluded8 functions (8-wide
                packet interface ) for this scene

RTC_INTERSECT16 Enables the rtcIntersect16 and rtcOccluded16 functions (16-wide
                packet interface) for this scene

=== Geometries  ===

Geometries are always contained in the scene they are created in. Each geometry
is assigned an integer ID at creation time, which is unique for that scene. The
current version of the API supports triangle meshes (rtcNewTriangleMesh),
single level instances of other scenes (rtcNewInstance), and user defined
geometries (rtcNewUserGeometry). The API is designed in a way that easily
allows adding new geometry types in later releases.

For dynamic scenes, the assigned geometry IDs fulfill the following properties.
As long as no geometry got deleted, all IDs are assigned sequentially, starting
from 0. If geometries got deleted, the implementation will reuse IDs later on
in an implementation dependent way. Consequently sequential assignment is no
longer guaranteed, but a compact range of IDs. These rules allow the
application to manage a dynamic array to efficiently map from geometry IDs to
its own geometry representation.

For static scenes, geometry IDs are assigned sequentially starting at 0. This
allows the application to use a fixed size array to map from geometry IDs to
its own geometry representation.

==== Triangle Meshes  ====

Triangle meshes are created using the rtcNewTriangleMesh function call, and
potentially deleted using the rtcDeleteGeometry function call.

The number of triangles, number of vertices, and number of time steps (1 for
normal meshes, and 2 for linear motion blur), have to get specified at
construction time of the mesh. The user can also specify additional flags that
choose the strategy to handle that mesh in dynamic scenes. The following
example demonstrates howto create a triangle mesh without motion blur:

 unsigned geomID = rtcNewTriangleMesh

The following geometry flags can be specified at construction time of the
triangle mesh:

Geometry Flag           Description

                        The mesh is considered static and should get modified
RTC_GEOMETRY_STATIC     rarely by the application. This flag has to get used in
                        static scenes.

                        The mesh is considered to deform in a coherent way,
                        e.g. a skinned character. The connectivity of the mesh
RTC_GEOMETRY_DEFORMABLE has to stay constant, thus modifying the index array is
                        not allowed. The implementation is free to choose a BVH
                        refitting approach for handling meshes tagged with that

                        The mesh is considered highly dynamic and changes
RTC_GEOMETRY_DYNAMIC    frequently, possibly in an unstructured way. Embree
                        will rebuild data structures from scratch for this type
                        of mesh.

The triangle indices can be set by mapping and writing to the index buffer
(RTC_INDEX_BUFFER) and the triangle vertices can be set by mapping and writing
into the vertex buffer (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER). The index buffer contains an array
of three 32 bit indices, while the vertex buffer contains an array of 3 float
values aligned to 16 bytes. All buffers have to get unmapped before an
rtcCommit call to the scene.

 struct Vertex   { float x,y,z,a; };
 struct Triangle { int v0, v1, v2; };

 Vertex* vertices = (Vertex*) rtcMapBuffer(scene,geomID,RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER);
 // fill vertices here

 Triangle* triangles = (Triangle*) rtcMapBuffer
 // fill triangle indices here

Also see tutorial00 for an example of how to create triangle meshes.

==== Hair Geometry  ====

Creates a new hair geometry,

Hair geometries are supported, which consist of multiple hairs represented as
cubic bezier curves with varying radius per control point. Individual hairs are
considered to be subpixel sized which allows the implementation to approximate
the intersection calculation. This in particular means that zooming onto one
hair might show geometric artefacts.

Hair geometries are created using the rtcNewHairGeometry function call, and
potentially deleted using the rtcDeleteGeometry function call.

The number of hair curves, number of vertices, and number of time steps (1 for
normal curves, and 2 for linear motion blur), have to get specified at
construction time.

The curve indices can be set by mapping and writing to the index buffer
(RTC_INDEX_BUFFER) and the control vertices can be set by mapping and writing
into the vertex buffer (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER). In case of linear motion blur, two
vertex buffers (RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER0 and RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER1) have to get filled,
one for each time step.

The index buffer contains an array of 32 bit indices pointing to the ID of the
first of four control vertices, while the vertex buffer stores all control
pointing of a single precision position and radius stored in x,y,z,r order in
memory. All buffers have to get unmapped before an rtcCommit call to the scene.

Like for triangle meshes, thee user can also specify a geometry mask and
additional flags that choose the strategy to handle that mesh in dynamic

The following example demonstrates howto create some hair geometry:

 unsigned geomID = rtcNewHairGeometry

 struct Vertex   { float x,y,z,r; };

 Vertex* vertices = (Vertex*) rtcMapBuffer(scene,geomID,RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER);
 // fill vertices here

 int* triangles = (int*) rtcMapBuffer(scene,geomID,RTC_INDEX_BUFFER);
 // fill indices here

Also see tutorial07 for an example of how to create and use hair geometry.

==== User Defined Geometry  ====

User defined geometries make it possible to extend Embree with arbitrary types
of geometry. This is achieved by introducing arrays of user geometries as a
special geometry type. These objects do not contain a single user geometry, but
a set of such geometries, each specified by an index. The user has to provide a
user data pointer, bounding function as well as user defined intersect and
occluded functions to create a set of user geometries. The user geometry to
process is specified by passing its user data pointer and index to each
invokation of the bounding, intersect, and occluded function. The bounding
function is used to query the bounds of each user geometry. When performing ray
queries, Embree will invoke the user intersect (and occluded) functions to test
rays for intersection (and occlusion) with the specified user defined geometry.

As Embree supports different ray packet sizes, one potentially has to provide
different versions of user intersect and occluded function pointers for these
packet sizes. However, the ray packet size of the called user function always
matches the packet size of the originally invoked ray query function.
Consequently, an application only operating on single rays only has to provide
single ray intersect and occluded function pointers.

User geometries are created using the rtcNewUserGeometry function call, and
potentially deleted using the rtcDeleteGeometry function call. The folling
example illustrates creating an array with two user geometries:

 struct UserObject { ... };

 void userBoundsFunction(UserObject* userGeom, size_t i, RTCBounds& bounds_o)
   bounds_o = bounds of userGeom[i];

 void userIntersectFunction(UserObject* userGeom, RTCRay& ray, size_t i) {
   if (ray misses userGeom[i]) return;
   update ray hit information;

 void userOccludedFunction(UserObject* userGeom, RTCRay& ray, size_t i) {
   if (ray misses userGeom[i]) return;
   geomID = 0;


 UserObject* userGeom = new UserObject[2];
 userGeom[0] = ...
 userGeom[1] = ...
 unsigned geomID = rtcNewUserGeometry(scene,2);
 rtcSetOccludedFunction (scene,geomID,userOccludedFunction);

The user intersect function (userIntersectFunction) and user occluded function
(userOccludedFunction) get as input the pointer provided through the
rtcSetUserData function call, a ray, and the index of the geometry to process.
For ray packets, the user intersect and occluded functions also get a pointer
to a valid mask as input. The user provided functions should not modify any ray
that is disabled by that valid mask.

The user intersect function should return without modifying the ray structure
if the user geometry is missed. If the geometry is hit, it has to update the
hit information of the ray (tfar, u, v, Ng, geomID, primID).

Also the user occluded function should return without modifying the ray
structure if the user geometry is missed. If the geometry is hit, it shoud set
the geomID member of the ray to 0.

Is is supported to invoke the rtcIntersect and rtcOccluded function calls
inside such user functions. It is not supported to invoke any other API call
inside these user functions.

See tutorial02 for an example of how to use the user defined geometries.

==== Instances  ====

Embree supports instancing of scenes inside another scene by some
transformation. As the instanced scene is stored only a single time, even if
instanced to multiple locations, this feature can be used to create extremely
large scenes. Only single level instancing is supported by Embree natively,
however, multi-level instancing can principally be implemented through user

Instances are created using the rtcNewInstance function call, and potentially
deleted using the rtcDeleteGeometry function call. To instantiate a scene, one
first has to generate the scene B to instantiate. Now one can add an instance
of this scene inside a scene A the following way:

 unsigned instID = rtcNewInstance(sceneA,sceneB);

One has to call rtcCommit on scene B before one calls rtcCommit on scene A.
When modifying scene B one has to call rtcModified for all instances of that
scene. Providing a bounding box is not required and also not allowed. If a ray
hits the instance, then the geomID and primID members of the ray are set to the
geometry ID and primitive ID of the primitive hit in scene B, and the instID
member of the ray is set to the instance ID returned from the rtcNewInstance

The rtcSetTransform call can be passed an affine transformation matrix with
different data layouts:

Layout                            Description

RTC_MATRIX_ROW_MAJOR              The 3x4 float matrix is layed out in row
                                  major form.

RTC_MATRIX_COLUMN_MAJOR           The 3x4 float matrix is layed out in column
                                  major form.

                                  The 3x4 float matrix is layout out in column
RTC_MATRIX_COLUMN_MAJOR_ALIGNED16 major form, with each column padded by an
                                  additional 4th component.

Passing homogenous 4x4 matrices is possible as long as the last row is
(0,0,0,1). If this homogenous matrix is layed out in row major form, use the
RTC_MATRIX_ROW_MAJOR layout. If this homogenous matrix is layed out in column
major form, use the RTC_MATRIX_COLUMN_MAJOR_ALIGNED16 mode. In both cases,
Embree will ignore the last row of the matrix.

The transformation passed to rtcSetTransform transforms from the local space of
the instantiated scene, to world space.

See tutorial04 for an example of how to use instances.

=== Ray Queries  ===

The API supports finding the closest hit of a ray segment with the scene
(rtcIntersect functions), and determining if any hit between a ray segment and
the scene exists (rtcOccluded functions).

 void rtcIntersect   (                   RTCScene scene, RTCRay& ray);
 void rtcIntersect4  (const void* valid, RTCScene scene, RTCRay4& ray);
 void rtcIntersect8  (const void* valid, RTCScene scene, RTCRay8& ray);
 void rtcIntersect16 (const void* valid, RTCScene scene, RTCRay16& ray);
 void rtcOccluded    (                   RTCScene scene, RTCRay& ray);
 void rtcOccluded4   (const void* valid, RTCScene scene, RTCRay4& ray);
 void rtcOccluded8   (const void* valid, RTCScene scene, RTCRay8& ray);
 void rtcOccluded16  (const void* valid, RTCScene scene, RTCRay16& ray);

The ray layout to be passed to the ray tracing core is defined in the embree2/
rtcore_ray.h header file. It is up to the user if he wants to use the ray
structures defined in that file, or resemble the exact same binary data layout
with their own vector classes. The ray layout might change with new Embree
releases as new features get added, however, will stay constant as long as the
major release number does not change. The ray contains the following data

Member In/Out Description

org    in     ray origin

dir    in     ray direction (can be unnomalized)

tnear  in     start of ray segment

tfar   in/out end of ray segment, set to hit distance after intersection

time   in     time used for motion blur

mask   in     ray mask to mask out geometries

Ng     out    unnormalized geometry normal

u      out    barycentric u-coordinate of hit

v      out    barycentric v-coordinate of hit

geomID out    geometry ID of hit geometry

primID out    primitive ID of hit primitive

instID out    instance ID of hit instance

This structure is in struct of array layout (SOA) for ray packets. Note that
the tfar member functions as an input and output.

In the ray packet mode (with packet size of N), the user has to provide a
pointer to N 32 bit integers that act as a ray activity mask. If one of these
integers is set to 0x00000000 the corresponding ray is considered inactive and
if the integer is set to 0xFFFFFFFF, the ray is considered active. Rays that
are inactive will not update any hit information. Data alignment requirements
for ray query functions operating on single rays is 16 bytes for the ray.

Data alignment requirements for query functions operating on AOS packets of 4,
8, or 16 rays, is 16, 32, and 64 bytes respectively, for the valid mask and the
ray. To operate on packets of 4 rays, the CPU has to support SSE, to operate on
packets of 8 rays, the CPU has to support AVX-256, and to operate on packets of
16 rays, the CPU has to support the Xeon Phi instructions. Additionally, the
required ISA has to be enabled in Embree at compile time, to use the desired
packet size.

Finding the closest hit distance is done through the rtcIntersect functions.
These get the activity mask, the scene, and a ray as input. The user has to
initialize the ray origin (org), ray direction (dir), and ray segment (tnear,
tfar). The ray segment has to be in the range [0,inf], thus ranges that start
behind the ray origin are not valid, but ranges can reach to infinity. The
geometry ID (geomID member) has to get initialized to RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID
(-1). If the scene contains instances, also the instance ID (instID) has to get
initialized to RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID (-1). If the scene contains linear
motion blur, also the ray time (time) has to get initialized to a value in the
range [0,1]. If ray masks are enabled at compile time, also the ray mask (mask)
has to get initialized. After tracing the ray, the hit distance (tfar),
geometry normal (Ng), local hit coordinates (u, v), geometry ID (geomID), and
primitive ID (primID) are set. If the scene contains instances, also the
instance ID (instID) is set, if an instance is hit. The geometry ID corresponds
to the ID returned at creation time of the hit geometry, and the primitive ID
corresponds to the nth primitive of that geometry, e.g. nth triangle. The
instance ID corresponds to the ID returned at creation time of the instance.

The following code properly sets up a ray and traces it through the scene:

 RTCRay ray;
 ray.org = ray_origin;
 ray.dir = ray_direction;
 ray.tnear = 0.0f;
 ray.tfar = inf;
 ray.mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
 ray.time = 0.0f;

Testing if any geometry intersects with the ray segment is done through the
rtcOccluded functions. Initialization has to be done as for rtcIntersect. If
some geometry got found along the ray segment, the geometry ID (geomID) will
get set to 0. Other hit information of the ray is undefined after calling

See tutorial00 for an example of how to trace rays.

=== Buffer Sharing  ===

Embree supports sharing of buffers with the application. Each buffer that can
be mapped for a specific geometry can also be shared with the application, by
pass a pointer, offset, and stride of the application side buffer using the
rtcSetBuffer API function.

 void rtcSetBuffer(RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID, RTCBufferType type,
                   void* ptr, size_t offset, size_t stride);

The rtcSetBuffer function has to get called before any call to rtcMapBuffer for
that buffer, otherwise the buffer will get allocated internally and the call to
rtcSetBuffer will fail. The buffer has to remain valid as long as the geometry
exists, and the user is responsible to free the buffer when the geometry gets
deleted. When a buffer is shared, it is safe to modify that buffer without
mapping and unmapping it. However, for dynamic scenes one still has to call
rtcModified for modified geometries and the buffer data has to stay constant
from the rtcCommit call to after the last ray query invokation.

The offset parameter specifies a byte offset to the start of the first element
and the stride parameter specifies a byte stride between the different elements
of the shared buffer. This support for offset and stride allows the application
quite some freedom in the data layout of these buffers, however, some
restrictions apply. Index buffers always store 32 bit indices and vertex
buffers always store single precision floating point data. The start address
ptr+offset and stride always have to be aligned to 4 bytes on Xeon CPUs and 16
bytes on Xeon Phi accelerators, otherwise the rtcSetBuffer function will fail.
For vertex buffers, the 4 bytes after the z-coordinate of the last vertex have
to be readable memory, thus padding is required for some layouts.

The following is an example of howto create a mesh with shared index and vertex

 unsigned geomID = rtcNewTriangleMesh
 rtcSetBuffer(scene,geomID,RTC_INDEX_BUFFER ,indexPtr ,0,3*sizeof(int));

Sharing buffers can significantly reduce the memory required by the
application, thus we recommend using this feature. When enabling the
RTC_COMPACT scene flag, the spatial index structures of Embree might also share
the vertex buffer, resulting in even higher memory savings.

The support for offset and stride is enabled by default, but can get disabled
at compile time using the RTCORE_BUFFER_STRIDE parameter in cmake. Disabling
this feature enables the default offset and stride which increases performance
of spatial index structure build, thus can be useful for dynamic content.

=== Linear Motion Blur  ===

A triangle mesh or hair geometry with linear motion blur support is created by
setting the number of time steps to 2 at geometry construction time. Specifying
a number of time steps of 0 or larger than 2 is invalid. For a triangle mesh or
hair geometry with linear motion blur, the user has to set the
RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER0 and RTC_VERTEX_BUFFER1 vertex arrays, one for each time
step. If a scene contains geometries with linear motion blur, the user has to
set the time member of the ray to a value in the range [0,1]. The ray will
intersect the scene with the vertices of the two time steps linearly
interpolated to this specified time. Each ray can specify a different time,
even inside a ray packet.

=== Geometry Mask  ===

A 32 bit geometry mask can be assigned to triangle meshs and hair geometries
using the rtcSetMask call.


Only if the bitwise and operation of this mask with the mask stored inside the
ray is not 0, primitives of this geometry are hit by a ray. This feature can be
used to disable selected triangle mesh or hair geometries for specifically
tagged rays, e.g. to disable shadow casting for some geometry. This API feature
is disabled in Embree by default at compile time, and can be enabled in cmake
through the RTCORE_ENABLE_RAY_MASK parameter.

=== Filter Functions  ===

The API supports per geometry filter callback functions that are invoked for
each intersection found during the rtcIntersect or rtcOccluded calls. The
former ones are called intersection filter functions, the latter ones occlusion
filter functions. The filter functions can be used to implement various useful
features, such as rejecting a hit to implement backface culling, accumulating
opacity for shadow shadows, counting the number of surfaces along a ray,
collecting all hits along a ray, etc.

The filter functions provided by the user have to have the following signature:

 void FilterFunc  (                   void* userPtr, RTCRay&   ray);
 void FilterFunc4 (const void* valid, void* userPtr, RTCRay4&  ray);
 void FilterFunc8 (const void* valid, void* userPtr, RTCRay8&  ray);
 void FilterFunc16(const void* valid, void* userPtr, RTCRay16& ray);

The valid pointer points to a valid mask of the same format as expected as
input by the ray query functions. The userPtr is a user pointer optionally set
per geometry through the rtcSetUserData function. The ray passed to the filter
function is the ray structure initially provided to the ray query function by
the user. For that reason, it is safe to extend the ray by additional data and
access this data inside the filter function (e.g. to accumulate opacity). All
hit information inside the ray is valid. If the hit geometry is instanced, the
instID member of the ray is valid and the ray origin, direction, and geometry
normal visible through the ray are in object space. The filter function can
reject a hit by setting the geomID member of the ray to
RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID, otherwise the hit is accepted. The filter function is
not allowed to modify the ray input data (org, dir, tnear, tfar), but can
modify the hit data of the ray (u,v,Ng,geomID,primID).

The intersection filter functions for different ray types are set for some
geometry of a scene using the following API functions:

 void rtcSetIntersectionFilterFunction  (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID,
 RTCFilterFunc   func);
 void rtcSetIntersectionFilterFunction4 (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID,
 RTCFilterFunc4  func);
 void rtcSetIntersectionFilterFunction8 (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID,
 RTCFilterFunc8  func);
 void rtcSetIntersectionFilterFunction16(RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID,
 RTCFilterFunc16 func);

These functions are invoked during execution of the rtcIntersect type queries
of the matching ray type. The occlusion filter functions are set using the
following API functions:

 void rtcSetOcclusionFilterFunction   (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID,
 RTCFilterFunc   func);
 void rtcSetOcclusionFilterFunction4  (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID,
 RTCFilterFunc4  func);
 void rtcSetOcclusionFilterFunction8  (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID,
 RTCFilterFunc8  func);
 void rtcSetOcclusionFilterFunction16 (RTCScene scene, unsigned geomID,
 RTCFilterFunc16 func);

See tutorial05 for an example of how to use the filter functions.

=== Sharing Threads with Embree  ===

Embree supports using the application threads when building internal data
structures, by using the
 rtcCommitThread(RTCScene scene, unsigned int threadIndex, unsigned int
API call to commit the scene. This function has to get called by all threads
that want to cooperate in the scene commit. Each call is provided the scene to
commit, the index of the calling thread in the range [0,threadCount-1], and the
number of threads that will call into this commit operation for the scene.
Multiple such scene commit operations can also be running at the same time,
e.g. it is possible to commit many small scenes in parallel using one thread
per commit operation. Subsequent commit operations for the same scene can use
different number of threads or the Embree internal threads using the
 void rtcCommitThread()

=== Embree Support and Contact  ===

For questions and bug reports please write us at embree_support@intel.com.

To receive notifications of updates and new features of Embree please subscribe
to the Embree mailing list.

For information about compiler optimizations, see our Optimization Notice.