
Generate Markdown table for starred repo for a user.

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Starred Repositories

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Id Name Description Star Counts Topics/Tags Last Updated
1 il-faut-sauver-le-dernier-giga-de-ram Retour d'expérience sur des optimisations de consommation mémoire sur une chaîne batchs 9 java, ram, jfr, spring, profiling 5-11-2024
2 lau-state-machines - 13 1-5-2024
3 CarTube YouTube on CarPlay, supports devices iOS 14.0 - 15.4.1. 446 30-11-2023
4 Stirling-PDF #1 Locally hosted web application that allows you to perform various operations on PDF files 46535 docker, java, pdf, pdf-converter, pdf-manipulation, pdf-merger, pdf-tools, pdf-web-apps, pdf-ocr, pdfmerger, pdf-editor 23-11-2024
5 span-tree 🌳 Tree for GitLab 219 react, chrome-extension, gitlab, chrome, extension, webext, redux, tree, octotree, mozilla, mozilla-firefox, mozilla-firefox-addon, spantree, span-tree 26-6-2024
6 modern-unix A collection of modern/faster/saner alternatives to common unix commands. 31126 lists, unix, shell, tools, command-line, terminal, cli 10-9-2024
7 springboot-to-quarkus This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on how to seamlessly transform a Spring Boot application into a Quarkus cloud-native application. 21 7-8-2023
8 system-design-101 Explain complex systems using visuals and simple terms. Help you prepare for system design interviews. 64623 aws, cloud-computing, coding-interviews, computer-science, interview-questions, software-architecture, software-development, software-engineering, system-design, system-design-interview 27-12-2023
9 htmlparser2 The fast & forgiving HTML and XML parser 4456 html-parser, javascript, dom, htmlparser2, html, xml, parser 22-11-2024
10 Android-Auto-Store Android Auto Store - AAStore 348 22-2-2024
11 gum A tool for glamorous shell scripts 🎀 18297 bash, shell 22-11-2024
12 azure-argocd - 1 22-6-2023
13 gitlab-ci-pipelines-exporter Prometheus / OpenMetrics exporter for GitLab CI pipelines insights 1303 23-11-2024
14 jsoncrack.com ✨ Innovative and open-source visualization application that transforms various data formats, such as JSON, YAML, XML, CSV and more, into interactive graphs. 33659 json, tool, react, visualization, graph, nextjs, diagrams, csv, yaml 19-11-2024
15 git-filter-repo Quickly rewrite git repository history (filter-branch replacement) 8519 22-11-2024
16 git-sizer Compute various size metrics for a Git repository, flagging those that might cause problems 3574 git, github, golang 17-12-2023
17 PowerToys Windows system utilities to maximize productivity 111624 powertoys, desktop, windows, fancyzones, microsoft-powertoys, powerrename, keyboard-manager, color-picker 22-11-2024
18 UniGetUI UniGetUI: The Graphical Interface for your package managers. Could be terribly described as a package manager manager to manage your package managers 13325 winget, scoop, cli, windows-10, package, package-manager, windows-11, chocolatey, npm, pip, windows, unigetui 24-11-2024
19 wslcompact Compacts the size of the ever-growing WSL vhdx images. 798 linux, size-optimization, vhdx, virtual-machine, windows, wsl, wsl2 26-4-2023
20 react-share Social media share buttons and share counts for React 2648 react, react-component, social-media, share-counts, sharing 12-11-2024
21 react-force-graph React component for 2D, 3D, VR and AR force directed graphs 2259 react, force-directed-graphs, 3d, vr, canvas, webgl, d3-force, augmented-reality 13-11-2024
22 cloudbeaver Cloud Database Manager 3547 webapp, dbeaver, databases, database, cloud-database-manager, cloud 22-11-2024
23 docker-registry-ui The simplest and most complete UI for your private registry 2589 docker-registry, docker, docker-registry-ui, v2, docker-registry-v2, registry, user-interface, riotjs 13-9-2024
24 querydsl Unified Queries for Java 4752 11-5-2024
25 sonar-cnes-report Generates analysis reports from SonarQube web API. 475 sonarqube-reports, cnes, docx, xlsx, sonarqube, quality, plugin, reporting, report, export, markdown, csv 27-6-2024
26 nexe 🎉 create a single executable out of your node.js apps 13030 nexe, javascript, bundle, nodejs, binary, executable, binaries, cli, bundler 4-7-2024
27 hyperfine A command-line benchmarking tool 22828 command-line, tool, benchmark, rust, cli, terminal 13-11-2024
28 jq Command-line JSON processor 30612 jq 20-11-2024
29 starred-repo-toc Generates Markdown table for all Starred Repositories by a GitHub user. 38 starred-repositories, starred 24-11-2024
30 markdown-badges Badges for your personal developer branding, profile, and projects. 13602 github-profile-readme, github-profile, hacktoberfest, branding, developer-portfolio, markdown, badges-markdown 21-11-2024
31 ant-design An enterprise-class UI design language and React UI library 92625 react, ui-kit, typescript, antd, ant-design, design-systems, ui-library 22-11-2024
32 convert-excel-to-json Convert Excel to JSON, mapping sheet columns to object keys. 290 24-7-2020
33 electron-typescript-react :electron: An Electron boilerplate including TypeScript, React, Jest and ESLint. 1451 29-10-2021
34 luxon ⏱ A library for working with dates and times in JS 15442 intl, timezones, dates, times, datetime 4-9-2024
35 dayjs ⏰ Day.js 2kB immutable date-time library alternative to Moment.js with the same modern API 47033 time, date, date-formatting, datetime, moment, dayjs 20-11-2024
36 create-react-app-antd Use antd in create-react-app without ejecting ✨ 582 create-react-app, antd, ant-design, craco, react 17-11-2022
37 Entware-ng Entware-ng 1210 deprecated, entware-ng, buildroot 5-3-2018
38 clean-code-javascript 🛁 Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript 91807 javascript, principles, composition, inheritance, clean-code, clean-architecture, best-practices 11-2-2023
39 localForage 💾 Offline storage, improved. Wraps IndexedDB, WebSQL, or localStorage using a simple but powerful API. 24937 localforage, localstorage, javascript, offline, storage, indexeddb, websql 30-7-2024
40 why-did-you-render why-did-you-render by Welldone Software monkey patches React to notify you about potentially avoidable re-renders. (Works with React Native as well.) 11352 react, component, pure, performance, render, update, tool, react-native, purecomponent, hooks-tracking 15-11-2024
41 graphql-kafka-subscriptions Apollo graphql subscriptions over Kafka protocol 187 kafka, graphql, apollographql, graphql-subscriptions 27-8-2020
42 lofi 🎵🔉 A mini Spotify player with WebGL visualizations. 1206 spotify, webgl, spotify-desktop, mini-spotify-player, audio-player, tiny-spotify-player, media 17-2-2024
43 swagger-codegen swagger-codegen contains a template-driven engine to generate documentation, API clients and server stubs in different languages by parsing your OpenAPI / Swagger definition. 17064 swagger, swagger-codegen, rest, rest-api, openapi-specification, openapi3, open-source, swagger-oss 23-11-2024
44 openapi-generator OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3) 21949 rest-api, rest-client, sdk, generator, restful-api, api, api-client, api-server, openapi3, openapi, rest, openapi-generator, hacktoberfest 22-11-2024
45 nvm Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions 80579 nvm, nodejs, node, node-js, version-manager, posix, posix-compliant, bash, zsh, shell, nvmrc, lts, install 8-11-2024
46 moment Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in javascript. 47990 18-2-2024
47 huestacean Philips Hue control app for desktop with screen syncing. C++ with Qt Quick GUI. 566 philips-hue, philips-hue-lights, cpp, qt, qtquick 16-6-2019
48 react-app-rewired Override create-react-app webpack configs without ejecting 9835 react, create-react-app, never, eject, webpack, config 6-6-2022
49 dejavu A Web UI for Elasticsearch and OpenSearch: Import, browse and edit data with rich filters and query views, create reference search UIs. 8392 elasticsearch-plugin, chrome-extension, dejavu, appbaseio, elasticsearch, database-gui, realtime-updates, elasticsearch-gui, react, reactjs, nosql, database, opensearch-plugins, opensearch 30-9-2024
50 core-js Standard Library 24584 proposal, polyfill, shim, es6, promise, weakmap, es7, es2015, esnext, symbol, ponyfill, es2019, javascript, js, ecmascript-proposals, proposals 23-11-2024
51 nebular 💥 Customizable Angular UI Library based on Eva Design System 🌚✨Dark Mode 8059 angular, ui, ui-kit, authentication, theme, multitheme, modular, typescript, sass, webpack, angular-cli, angular5, angular4, angular2, angular-components, ngx-admin, angular6, nebular-modules, akveo, angular7 5-11-2024
52 angular-cli-diff Easily upgrade your Angular CLI applications from one version to another 🚀 333 21-11-2024
53 detect-browser Unpack a browser type and version from the useragent string 692 4-12-2021
54 angular-developer-roadmap Angular Developer Roadmap 944 angular, frontend 9-9-2018
55 angular-testing-library 🐙 Simple and complete Angular testing utilities that encourage good testing practices 717 angular, testing, dom-testing-library, testing-library 9-11-2024
56 counterpart A translation and localization library for Node.js and the browser. 242 javascript, internationalization, localization, translation, library, nodejs 28-2-2018
57 formatjs The monorepo home to all of the FormatJS related libraries, most notably react-intl. 14329 javascript, react, i18n, formatjs, internationalization, globalization, localization, intl, translation, web, ui 23-11-2024
58 ngx-valdemort Simpler, cleaner Angular validation error messages 202 23-11-2024
59 spring-boot-admin Admin UI for administration of spring boot applications 12395 spring-boot-admin, spring-cloud, spring-boot, java, spring 22-11-2024
60 bit A build system for development of composable software. 17907 react, javascript, typescript, front-end, node-js, vue, collaboration, angular, component-driven, distributed, polyrepo, monorepo, micro-frontend, micro-services, multirepo, multirepo-maintenance, service-oriented-architecture, composable, composable-architecture 23-11-2024
61 ngx-speculoos Simpler, cleaner Angular unit tests 74 23-11-2024
62 nvm-windows A node.js version management utility for Windows. Ironically written in Go. 38121 node, versioning, management, version-manager, windows, nodejs, version, nvm, go, switch, node-version-manager 14-11-2024
63 material-ui Material UI: Comprehensive React component library that implements Google's Material Design. Free forever. 94032 react-components, react, material-design, design-systems 23-11-2024
64 luna Manage npm dependencies through a modern UI. 1008 javascript, electron, npm, nodejs, npm-management, linux, windows, macos, react, material-ui, rxjs6, npm-gui, npm-desktop-manager, reactjs, webpack, observables, redux, redux-observable, epics 24-5-2022
65 flutter Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond 166620 mobile, android, ios, material-design, dart, skia, web, web-framework, windows, macos, fuchsia, dart-platform, linux-desktop, app-framework, desktop, cross-platform, flutter, flutter-package, mobile-development 23-11-2024
66 immutability-helper mutate a copy of data without changing the original source 5172 15-10-2020
67 create-react-app-servlet How to deploy a create-react-app boilerplate to a Java EE Servlet engine 28 java, javaee, maven, react, servlet, tomcat 20-9-2017
68 axe-core Accessibility engine for automated Web UI testing 6018 axe, a11y, accessibility 19-11-2024
69 nzb-subliminal Fetches subtitles for the videos it's provided. It can be easily integrated into NZBGet and SABnzbd too. 103 subtitle, nzbget, sabnzbd, cli, automation, nzbget-script, scheduling-script 26-8-2020
70 subliminal Subtitles, faster than your thoughts 2418 23-11-2024
71 carbon A design system built by IBM 7868 scss, design-system, react, javascript, hacktoberfest 21-11-2024
72 react-beautiful-dnd Beautiful and accessible drag and drop for lists with React 33418 react, drag-and-drop, drag, dnd, sortable, reordering 14-10-2024
73 community-edition Free and Open Source messaging and emailing app that combines common web applications into one. 6359 windows, macos, linux, whatsapp, messenger, skype, email, gmail, outlook, icloud, hangouts, slack, telegram, microsoft-teams, facebook-workplace, custom-services, discord, hipchat, inbox, tweetdeck 21-4-2022
74 spksrc Cross compilation framework to create native packages for the Synology's NAS 3042 23-11-2024
75 bootstrap-select 🚀 The jQuery plugin that brings select elements into the 21st century with intuitive multiselection, searching, and much more. 9851 javascript, bootstrap, jquery, dropdown, select, ui, ux 20-4-2022
76 ngx-errors A declarative validation errors module for reactive forms. 470 angular, validation, reactive 14-2-2018
77 takari-cpsuite - 71 31-8-2022
78 redux-devtools-extension Redux DevTools extension. 13499 redux, devtools, debug, extension, javascript 18-1-2022
79 react-json-tree React JSON Viewer Component, Extracted from redux-devtools 991 react, json, json-viewer 24-10-2019
80 axios Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js 105828 http-client, javascript, nodejs, promise, hacktoberfest 19-11-2024
81 react-cookies 🍪 Load and save cookies with React 129 react, cookies, cookie, react-cookies, react-cookie 2-6-2021
82 create-react-app Set up a modern web app by running one command. 102799 react, zero-configuration, build-tools 27-8-2024
83 react-starter-kit The web's most popular Jamstack front-end template (boilerplate) for building web applications with React 22764 react, javascript, graphql, boilerplate, reactjs, nodejs, starter-kit, typescript, template, cloudflare, serverless, scaffolding, hackathon, firebase, vite, hono, jotai, joy-ui, trpc, firestore 15-2-2024
84 infinitest Infinitest: The Continuous Test Runner for the JVM 587 6-11-2024
85 API-Security-Checklist Checklist of the most important security countermeasures when designing, testing, and releasing your API 22491 api, security, jwt, oauth2 22-11-2024
86 primereact The Most Complete React UI Component Library 6936 ui-components, react-components, charts, tree, primereact, react, treetable, grid, datatable, material, bootstrap, flex-carousel, responsive-components, flex-galleria, ripple, ripple-effect, flex, material-table, bootstrap-table 22-11-2024
87 primeng The Most Complete Angular UI Component Library 10594 angular, ui, components, datatable, datagrid, charts, typescript, mit 22-11-2024
88 spring-boot Spring Boot helps you to create Spring-powered, production-grade applications and services with absolute minimum fuss. 75327 java, spring-boot, spring, framework 22-11-2024
89 jwt-decode Decode JWT tokens; useful for browser applications. 3218 jwt, dx-sdk 3-9-2024
90 core The internationalization (i18n) library for Angular 4525 angular, i18n, translation, npm-package, angular2, ngx, ngx-translate 13-11-2024
91 markdown-here Google Chrome, Firefox, and Thunderbird extension that lets you write email in Markdown and render it before sending. 59653 12-11-2024
92 rimraf A rm -rf util for nodejs 5668 16-7-2024
93 ng2-md-datatable Angular 5+ DataTable component for using with Material Design 2 38 angular2, material-design, datatable, pagination-component, ng2-md-datatable, deprecated, obsolete, archived 13-4-2021
94 flex-layout Provides HTML UI layout for Angular applications; using Flexbox and a Responsive API 5899 flexbox, grid, responsive, layout, mediaquery, engine, angular, adaptive 3-9-2024
95 angular2-localstorage This project is developed further under ngx-store name: 10 angular, angular2, angular4, angular-module, angular-library, localstorage, sessionstorage, storage 12-6-2017
96 selenium-standalone A Node.js based package and CLI library for launching Selenium with WebDrivers support (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Edge) 909 hacktoberfest 15-7-2024
97 tslint 🚦 An extensible linter for the TypeScript language 5905 typescript, linting-rules, linter, tslint, static-analysis, octo-correct-managed 25-3-2021
98 nightmare A high-level browser automation library. 19548 electron, headless-chrome, browser, phantomjs, chrome 2-8-2023
99 node-ecstatic A static file server middleware that works with core http, express or on the CLI! 975 1-4-2020
100 node-static rfc 2616 compliant HTTP static-file server module, with built-in caching. 2170 22-8-2024
101 http-server a simple zero-configuration command-line http server 13672 http, static, hosting, server, command-line, hacktoberfest 5-11-2024
102 protractor-beautiful-reporter An npm module which provides html reports of your Protractor tests with screenshots 170 28-9-2020
103 protractor-jasmine2-html-reporter HTML reporter for Jasmine2 and Protractor 32 30-12-2016
104 docblockr DocBlockr is a package for Atom which is designed to make writing documentation faster and easier. 405 22-7-2021
105 compodoc 📔 The missing documentation tool for your Angular, Nest & Stencil application 4002 angular, documentation-tool, typescript, documentation, jsdoc, devtools, angular2, generator, ast 12-11-2024
106 circular-dependency-plugin Detect circular dependencies in modules compiled with Webpack 924 javascript, webpack 14-3-2021
107 Pikaday A refreshing JavaScript Datepicker — lightweight, no dependencies, modular CSS 8011 1-3-2022
108 PatrickJS-starter MFE Starter 10328 angular, webpack, typescript, mfe, microfrontend, microfrontends 7-10-2023
109 ng2-slim-loading-bar Angular 2 component shows slim loading bar at the top of the page. 359 angular, loading, bar, progress, progress-bar 26-10-2017
110 ng2-datepicker Angular2 Datepicker Component 310 15-6-2021
111 covalent Teradata UI Platform built on Angular Material 2228 angular, material-design, angular-material, material, teradata, typescript, angular2 19-11-2024
112 ngx-datatable ✨ A feature-rich yet lightweight data-table crafted for Angular 4628 angular, datatable, table, grid, angular-components, datagrid, typescript, angular4, angular2, hacktoberfest 20-10-2022
113 components Component infrastructure and Material Design components for Angular 24386 angular, material-design, material, angular-components 22-11-2024
114 md2 Angular2 based Material Design components, directives and services are Accordion, Autocomplete, Collapse, Colorpicker, Datepicker, Dialog(Modal), Menu, Multiselect, Select, Tabs, Tags(Chips), Toast and Tooltip. 379 material, angular2, chip, material-design, color-picker, accordion, datepicker, autocomplete 7-2-2019
115 ng2-toasty Angular2 Toasty component shows growl-style alerts and messages for your app. 283 angular, angular2, angular4, growl, toasty 13-6-2017
116 france.code-civil Le code civil français sous git 2652 31-3-2015
117 free-for-dev A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev 90249 free-for-developers, awesome-list 22-11-2024
118 isso a Disqus alternative 5066 disqus, commenting, self-hosted, javascript, sqlite3 1-10-2024
119 YellowLabTools WebPerf and front-end quality testing tool 2378 7-11-2023
120 material-design-icons Material Design icons by Google (Material Symbols) 50699 material, material-design, icons, sprites, ios, android, web 22-11-2024
121 awesome-scala A community driven list of useful Scala libraries, frameworks and software. 9040 scala, scala-library, scalajs, awesome, awesome-list 20-9-2024
122 algorithms implementations 4 7-11-2015
123 expecty Power assertions (as known from Groovy and Spock) for the Scala language. 188 15-4-2014
124 algorithmic-programming Algorithmic Programming Exercises 19 algorithms, java, data-structures, algorithmic-programming-exercises 3-2-2024
125 At.js Add Github like mentions autocomplete to your application. 5292 19-2-2019
126 electron :electron: Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS 114513 electron, javascript, c-plus-plus, html, css, chrome, nodejs, v8, works-with-codespaces 23-11-2024
127 lab Lab Modern Web With Java Devoxx Franc 2014 5 10-9-2014
128 free-programming-books 📚 Freely available programming books 339074 education, books, list, resource, hacktoberfest 20-11-2024
129 sublime-undocs Sublime Text Unofficial Documentation 605 20-3-2020
130 popcorn-app An experiment using the peerflix module of nodejs and connecting a bunch of APIs. 5180 15-3-2014
131 bootzooka Simple project to quickly start developing a Scala-based microservice or web application, without the need to write login, user registration etc. 755 skeleton, scala, angular 17-10-2024
132 programmation-pour-les-enfants Des ressources pour initier ses enfants aux principes de la programmation. 190 5-1-2021
133 playground-courses Notes, tasks, assignments and related ideas/prototypes from my e-learning platforms. 31 15-8-2016
134 elevator-battle - 1 26-11-2013
135 bootstrap-switch Turn checkboxes and radio buttons in toggle switches. 5082 bootstrap-switch, bootstrap, switch, toggles, radio, checkbox, toggle-switches 3-1-2021
136 tv.js Apple TV for Torrent Streaming in JS (Node/Chrome) 1367 25-2-2014
137 jquery-ui The official jQuery user interface library. 11256 javascript, jquery 3-11-2024
138 bootstrap-datepicker A datepicker for twitter bootstrap (@twbs) 12671 bootstrap-datepicker, javascript, bootstrap 13-5-2023
139 websql Dynamic generation of web site from sql queries 6 13-11-2013