
Cool React + Meteor webpage boilerplate to quickly start building simple web pages

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Website boilerplate

Cool and fast to deploy website boilerplate to start your own website.

The contact form is adapted to use using Sendgrid's SMTP services and the production deployment adapted to App Engine of Google Cloud Platform.

Built With

  • Meteor - Dev platform and serverside framework.
  • React - Clientside framework.

Local deployment

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


  • Node >v8.11.3.
  • Npm >5.10.0
  • Meteor >
  • Git.
  • Sendrid account (for email sending in contact form).

Cloning and running

First of all clone the repo in your local machine by running:

$ git clone [REPO_URL]

After you enter to the directory of the project ($ cd [PROJECT_NAME_ROOT_FOLDER]), install node dependencies by running:

$ npm install

Once all dependencies are installed, run the Meteor project with the command:

$ meteor

You can see the app running on your localhost:3000 browser link.

GCP deployment

These instructions will guide yo to deploy the app in GCP system.



After installing gcloud SDK in your machine, login with your Google Admin Account:

$ gcloud auth login [USER@YOURDOMAIN.COM]

(it could be .cl, .com, .io, etc).

Verify if you are in the correct gcloud account by typing $ gcloud auth list and notice that there is an * in the configured account.

Set gcloud to run on your GCP project:

$ gcloud config set project [YOUR_PROJECT_ID]

Once your in your GCP project, deploy the app by running:

$ npm run deploy

Then go to https://[YOUR_PROJECT_ID].appspot.com to see the app running in GCP App Engine.

**All these terminal instructions are considering that the Meteor project is equiped with Dockerfile, app.yaml and -dockerignore files provided in this repo. If not, you'll need to run $ gcloud beta app gen-config --custom and modify Dockerfile and app.yaml files according to The final tutorail used for deployment. **

Useful tutorials and links

Relevant notes

  • To import assets, I install the Meteor package nathantreid:static-assets into .meteor/packages.
