
A jQuery plugin implementation of Sage's interact functionality

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A jQuery plugin implementation of Sage's interact functionality

interact is a way to dynamically manipulate functions (inputs and parameters) and instantly see the results. See many excellent examples here: http://wiki.sagemath.org/interact

This goal of jquery-interact is to have:
  • A stand-alone jQuery plugin version of interact
  • Support local JavaScript (<canvas> html5 element based) usage.
  • Support remote Codenode / Sage / etc usage.

All Input Forms and Sliders must be created in the browser with jQuery's DOM functions, as to have no dependence on a backend (webserver) process. This is motivated by 1) supporting the pure 'javascript only' usage (no backend server executing code) and 2) to have a clear separation of concerns between components.


  • Open the file 'demo.html' to see the (simple) demo.
  • The jQuery plugin is located at: "static/js/interact.js".


jquery-interact for language="javascript"

Given an html snippet of this form:

<div id="jsdemo">
    function bar(a, x) {
      return Math.sin(x*(1 + a*x));
    interact(plot(bar, {"x":[0, 6]}), "a":[0, 2]})

The API usage would be:


jquery-interact for language="Python" or language="Sage"

Given many html snippets (with class="cell") of the form:

<div class="cell">
    def _(a=(0,2)):
        show(plot(sin(x*(1+a*x)), (x,0,6)), figsize=4)

The API usage would be:

$(".cell").interact({language:"Python", url:"/notebook/interact"});

And the Codenode / SageNB / etc url would be the single Resource that the jquery-interact plugin would call to get all data for the @interact cell.


GPL (change to BSD after OK from Sage devs)

interact was originally created by William Stein, with work by Jason Grout. See: http://wiki.sagemath.org/interact