
Primary LanguageC


Cub3D is a project that aims to create a basic 3D game engine using raycasting techniques. Inspired by games like Wolfenstein 3D, this project deepens understanding of graphics programming, game development basics, and efficient rendering techniques. The engine renders a 3D-like environment from a 2D map, allowing the player to navigate through the space.


  1. CLone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/clemllovio/cub3D.git
  1. Navigate to the project directory and compile the project


To run the game:

./cub3D map_name.cub

Several test maps are available in the maps directory.

Map configuration

The .cub file should contain: • Texture paths for each direction:

NO ./path_to_north_texture
SO ./path_to_south_texture
WE ./path_to_west_texture
EA ./path_to_east_texture

• Floor and ceiling colors: F 220,100,0 and C 225,30,0

Map layout using characters:

0 for empty space

1 for walls

N, S, E or W for player starting position and orientation


W, A, S, D: Move the player

• Left/Right arrow keys: Rotate the camera

ESC: Exit the game


This project was developed by Clémence Llovio and Lisa Ciullo as part of the curriculum at 42 School.