
Shared library for Anytype clients

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION

Anytype Heart

Middleware library for Anytype, distributed as part of the Anytype clients.

Build from Source

  1. Install Golang 1.19.x from here or using preferred package manager
  2. Follow instructions below for the target systems

Install local deps


As of 16.01.23 last protobuf version (21.12) broke the JS plugin support, so you can use the v3 branch:

brew install protobuf@3

To generate Swift protobuf:

brew install swift-protobuf


We need to have protoc binary (3.x version) and libprotoc headers in orderto build the grpc-web plugin

apt install protobuf-compiler libprotoc-dev

Build and install for the desktop client

make install-dev-js — build the local server and copy it and protobuf binding into ../anytype-ts


Build for iOS

Instructions to set up environment for iOS: here

  1. make build-ios to build the framework into dist/ios folder


  2. make protos-swift to generate swift protobuf bindings into dist/ios/pb

Build for Android

Instructions to setup environment for Android: here

  1. make build-android to build the library into dist/android folder


  2. make protos-java to generate java protobuf bindings into dist/android/pb

Rebuild protobuf generated files

First, you need to install protobuf pkg using your preferred package manager. This repo uses custom protoc located at anyproto/protobuf. It adds gomobile plugin and some env-controlled options to control the generated code style. This protobuf generator will replace your protoc binary, BTW it doesn't have any breaking changes for other protobuf and grpc code

You can override the binary with a simple command:

make setup-protoc

Then you can easily regenerate proto files:

make protos

Run tests

Install dependencies for running tests and generate mocks:

make test-deps

GO test:

make test

You'll need to install latest (at least clang 15)

brew install llvm 
echo 'export PATH="/<homebrew location>/llvm/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc 

Integration tests

First you need to start a docker container via docker-compose:

docker-compose up -d

Then you can run the basic integration tests:

make test-integration

Run local gRPC server to debug

⚠️ Make sure to update/install protobuf compiler from this repo using make setup-protoc


  • make run-server - builds proto files for grpc server, builds the binary and runs it
  • make build-server - builds proto files for grpc server and builds the binary into dist/server

If you want to change the default port(9999):

ANYTYPE_GRPC_ADDR= make run-debug

Useful tools for debug

Debug server

Use env var ANYDEBUG=address to enable debugging HTTP server. For example: ANYDEBUG=:6061 will start debug server on port 6061

You can find all endpoints in /debug page. For example: http://localhost:6061/debug

gRPC logging

In order to log mw gRPC requests/responses use ANYTYPE_GRPC_LOG env var:

  • ANYTYPE_LOG_LEVEL="grpc=DEBUG" ANYTYPE_GRPC_LOG=1 - log only method names
  • ANYTYPE_LOG_LEVEL="grpc=DEBUG" ANYTYPE_GRPC_LOG=2 - log method names + payloads for commands
  • ANYTYPE_LOG_LEVEL="grpc=DEBUG" ANYTYPE_GRPC_LOG=2 - log method names + payloads for commands&events

gRPC tracing

  1. Run jaeger UI on the local machine: docker run --rm -d -p6832:6832/udp -p6831:6831/udp -p16686:16686 -p5778:5778 -p5775:5775/udp jaegertracing/all-in-one:latest
  2. Run mw with ANYTYPE_GRPC_TRACE env var:
  • ANYTYPE_GRPC_TRACE=1 - log only method names/times
  • ANYTYPE_GRPC_TRACE=2 - log method names + payloads for commands
  • ANYTYPE_GRPC_TRACE=2 - log method names + payloads for commands&events
  1. Open Jaeger UI at http://localhost:16686

Debug tree

  1. You can use cmd/debugtree.go to perform different operations with tree exported in zip archive (rpc DebugTree)
  2. The usage looks like this go run debugtree.go -j -t -f [path to zip archive] where -t tells the cmd to generate tree graph view and -j - to generate json representation of the tree (i.e. data in each individual block)
  3. You can use flag -r to build the tree from its root, that way you will see all the changes in the tree, and not only those from the common snapshot
  4. For more info please check the command usage in debugtree.go

gRPC clients



HowTo: Set the import path to the middleware root, then select commands.proto file



You should specify import-path to the root of anytype-heart repository and gRPC port of running application

Command examples:

  • List available methods
grpcurl -import-path ../anytype-heart/ -proto pb/protos/service/service.proto localhost:31007 describe
  • Describe method signature
grpcurl -import-path ../anytype-heart/ -proto pb/protos/service/service.proto localhost:31007 describe anytype.ClientCommands.ObjectCreate
  • Describe structure of specified protobuf message
grpcurl -import-path ../anytype-heart/ -proto pb/protos/service/service.proto localhost:31007 describe .anytype.Rpc.Object.Create.Request
  • Call method with specified plain-text payload
grpcurl -import-path ../anytype-heart/ -proto pb/protos/service/service.proto -plaintext -d '{"details": {"name": "hello there", "type": "ot-page"}}' localhost:31007 anytype.ClientCommands.ObjectCreate
  • Call method using unix pipe
echo '{"details": {"name": "hello there", "type": "ot-page"}}' | grpcurl -import-path ../anytype-heart/ -proto pb/protos/service/service.proto -plaintext -d @ localhost:31007 anytype.ClientCommands.ObjectCreate

Running with prometheus and grafana

  • cd metrics/docker – cd into folder with docker-compose file
  • docker-compose up - run the prometheus/grafana
  • use ANYTYPE_PROM= when running middleware to enable metrics collection. Client commands metrics available only in gRPC mode
  • open to view collected metrics in Grafana. You can find several dashboards there:
    • MW internal middleware metrics such as changes, added and created threads histograms
    • MW commands server metrics for clients commands. Works only in grpc-server mode


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Made by Any — a Swiss association 🇨🇭

Licensed under Any Source Available License 1.0.