
This project is an attempt at performing a simple periodic sentiment analysis of given stock symbol on reddit.


  • FastAPI

Project architecture

A scheme of the whole project architecture can be found at on figma

In short, the main process are:

  • Every 4 hours, a script scrape the latest posts and comments associated with a stock
  • The script send the data to a sentiment analysis API that analysis the text
  • The sentiment analysis API send the data to store it in a NoSQL database
  • A static web interface that fetch the data through the FastAPI DB

Data processing

The reddit API

The reddit posts are fetched from the API with the format{subreddit}/new.json?

Other useful options that can be used in the queries are:

  • limit={limit_number} (note that the upper limit is 100)
  • sort={sorting_option}

Additional ressources

In the building of the project, the following ressources are providing usefull informations: