
World Population Day 2024 - July 11th - Theme is “ To Leave No One Behind, Count Everyone”

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World Population Day 2024 is a moment to ask who is still going uncounted and why – and what this costs individuals, societies, and our global efforts to leave no one behind. It is also a moment for all of us to commit to doing more to ensure that our data systems capture the full range of human diversity so that everyone is seen, can exercise their human rights and can reach their full potential.
To realize the rights and choices of those on the margins of our societies, we must count them – because everyone counts.

At CLENT Africa, we reflect on the rapid growth of the global population and its significant impact on our planet. With the world population approaching 8 billion, sustainable development is more critical than ever. We are dedicated to addressing these challenges through renewable energy initiatives, environmental conservation, and educational programs.

How can sustainable practices support Africas’ growing population?
What ideas or initiatives do you believe can make a difference?

Our mission is to promote sustainable practices that balance the needs of a growing population with the health of our environment. By working together, we can ensure a greener, more equitable future for all.

#WorldPopulationDay #SustainableGrowth #RenewableEnergy #CLENTAfrica #FutureGenerations

@SDauphin15 to post on LinkedIn , @yigakpoa to post on FB & Instagram, while @Busolaodole05 posts on Twitter.

Image will be shared soon for everyone’s review. Thank you.

No @SDauphin15 . That’s because, it’s for tomorrow the 11th. Thank you 💃

Hello @Okpeelizabeth1989 @Busolaodole05 please follow this link to join CLENT Africa’s Marketing WhatsApp group:


World Population Day 2024 is a moment to ask who is still going uncounted and why – and what this costs individuals, societies, and our global efforts to leave no one behind. It is also a moment for all of us to commit to doing more to ensure that our data systems capture the full range of human diversity so that everyone is seen, can exercise their human rights and can reach their full potential.
To realize the rights and choices of those on the margins of our societies, we must count them – because everyone counts.

At CLENT Africa, we reflect on the rapid growth of the global population and its significant impact on our planet. With the world population approaching 8 billion, sustainable development is more critical than ever. We are dedicated to addressing these challenges through renewable energy initiatives, environmental conservation, and educational programs.

How can sustainable practices support Africas’ growing population?
What ideas or initiatives do you believe can make a difference?

Our mission is to promote sustainable practices that balance the needs of a growing population with the health of our environment. By working together, we can ensure a greener, more equitable future for all.

#WorldPopulationDay #SustainableGrowth #RenewableEnergy #CLENTAfrica #FutureGenerations #WorldPopulationDay2024 #worldpopulationday24 #sustainability #climatechange #climateaction

@SDauphin15 to post on LinkedIn , @yigakpoa to post on FB & Instagram, while @Busolaodole05 posts on Twitter.

Hi team, this post has been scheduled on Facebook & Instagram.