The proposed method evaluated by two modern datasets UNSW-NB15 and CICIDS2017, which contain a combination of common and modern attacks, the data sets are preprocessing to be suitable for the applying the machine learning techniques. The k means clustering (Homogeneity metric) used as unsupervised feature selection technique to relevant features from both data sets that improve the performance of classifiers. Five-fold cross validation to estimate and improve the performance of machine learning models. Deep neural network and two ensemble techniques (RF, GBT) are using to extract the models from subset of relevant features. The phases of the proposed method are explained in more detail as follows:

Step 1: Download Datasets

in this work, two datasets are used to evaluated the proposed method. the UNSW-NB15 is one of the latest datasets created by the cyber security research group at Australian center of cyber security (ACCS) for evaluating IDSs. it has become available to researchers since late 2015.the data set contains nine types of recent and common attacks, namely, Fuzzers, Analysis, Backdoors, Dos, Exploits, Generic, Reconnaissance, Shellcode and worms.

link to download UNSW-NB15

CICIDS2017 was released in late 2017 via Canadian Institute for Cybersecurity (CIC), where it contains benign and the most up-to-data common attacks.CICIDS2017 Dataset contains the most common attack based on the 2016 McAfee report (Dos, DDos, Web based, Brute force, Infiltration, Heart-bleed, Bot and Scan) with more than 80 features extracted from the generated network traffic.

link to download CICIDS2017:

Step 2: Preprocessing Datasets

To provide a more suitable data for the neural network classifier and ensemble techniques, the dataset is passed through a group of preprocessing operations. These operations are summarized below:

1.Remove socket information: As the original dataset includes the IP address and Port numbers of the source and destination hosts in the network, it is important to remove such information to provide unbiased detection, where using such information may results in overfitted training toward this socket information. However, it is more important to let the classifier learn from the characteristics of the packet itself, so that, any host with similar packet information is filtered out regardless to its socket information.

2.Remove white spaces: Some of the multi-class labels in the dataset include white spaces. Such white spaces result in different classes as the actual value is different from the labels of other tuples in the same class.

3.Label encoding: The multi-class labels in the dataset are provided with the attack’s names, which are strings values. Thus, it is important to encode these values into numerical values, so that, the classifier can learn the class number that each tuple belongs to. This operation is executed using the multi-class labels only, as the binary labels are already in zero-one formation.

4.Data normalization: The numerical data in the dataset are of different ranges, which poses some challenges to the classifier during training to compensate these differences. Thus, it is important to normalize the values in each attribute, so that, the minimum value in each attribute is zero, while the maximum is one. This provides more homogeneous values to the classifier while maintaining the relativity among the values of each attribute.

5- Remove / replace massing and infinity values: CICIDS2017 dataset contain 2,867 tuples as missing and infinity values, this has been addressed in two ways that s produces two datasets: the first, dataset is without the missing and infinite values, where is removed all missing and infinity values. the second dataset is replaced the infinite values with the maximum value and the missing values with the average values. Both datasets are used to evaluate the proposed method.

6- for multiclass classification, Information packets that represent normal network traffic from both data sets are ignored and only the attack information packets are using to evaluate the proposed method.

Step 3: Feature Ranking (homogeneity metric)

After the preprocessing phase, the k means clustering algorithm is applied to the two datasets for features ranking, the technique is using to do the features ranking, for features selections, is that taking each attribute separately, then use it to cluster the dataset. In binary classification k= 2, that mean the datapoint of feature is clustering to tow groups, normal or anomaly, and for multi class classification the k equals the number of attacks in datasets. thereafter the homogeneity score is calculated of the resulting clusters are then used as a rank for that attribute, where more homogenous results means that the objects in each cluster are more of a certain class. Such score indicate that better classification can be conducted relying on that attribute, while lower score indicates that this attribute does not have significant role in the classification.

Step 3: Implemented DNN and Ensamble Techniques

Deep neural network, Random Forest and Gradient Boosted Tree Classification algorithms were training on CICIDS2018 and UNSW-NB15 data sets to build the model, two scenarios are executed using amazon web server EC2 (AWS), Where each algorithm was applied across two scenarios binary classification and multiclass classification except GPT, because spark MLlib don’t support it for multiclass classification. Deep neural network considers one of feedforward artificial neural networks, DNN consists of Multiple layers of nodes, each layer is fully connected to the next layer in the network, where 43 and 78 nodes in input layer that represent the number of features in UNSW-NB15 and CICIDS2017 dataset Respectively. Three hidden layers 128,64 and 32 nodes per layer respectively, ReLU activation function used in the hidden layer and SoftMax function used in the output layer for multiclass classification and sigmoid function for binary classification, where Backpropagation for learning the model, training epoch 1000 (Epoch means one pass over the full training set) and Batch size 1,000,000 (Total number of training examples present in a single batch).for random forest there are two important parameters whose values must be determined, the number of trees in the forest that has been given value 100, while the depth of tree is 4. Gradient Boosted Tree has two parameters, log loss for classification to reduce the los function and the number of iterations is 10.

To obtain high performance and reduce the bias of machine learning techniques, k-fold cross validation was used in this work for training and testing phase and on both datasets. the entire dataset is split into five bins randomly, each bin is used once for testing, while the remaining bins are used for training, per each iteration. Thus, when the evaluation is complete, a prediction per each tuple in the dataset is provided by the deep neural network, Random forest and Gradient Boosted Tree, and the accuracy calculated