Progressive Web App (PWA) assignment for U of M coding bootcamp using node, express, MongoDB and deployed live on Heroku.
AS AN avid traveller I WANT to be able to track my withdrawals and deposits with or without a data/internet connection SO THAT my account
balance is accurate when I am traveling
GIVEN a user is on Budget App without an internet connection WHEN the user inputs a withdrawal or deposit THEN that will be shown on the
page, and added to their transaction history when their connection is back online.
To install:
$ npm i
To run:
$ node server
Code at Github.
Visit the deployed site at Heroku.
This program is free to use if you're an awesome dude/dudette!
MIT License
Front-end code provided by University of Minnesota bootcamp.
If you have any questions please reach out at
visit my Github profile at clerick44.