EctoEnum is an Ecto extension to support enums in your Ecto models.
First, we add ecto_enum
to mix.exs
def deps do
[{:ecto_enum, "~> 0.3.0"}]
We will then have to define our enum. We can do this in a separate file since defining an enum is just defining a module. We do it like:
# lib/my_app/ecto_enums.ex
import EctoEnum
defenum StatusEnum, registered: 0, active: 1, inactive: 2, archived: 3
Once defined, EctoEnum
can be used like any other Ecto.Type
by passing it to a field
in your model's schema block. For example:
defmodule User do
use Ecto.Model
schema "users" do
field :status, StatusEnum
In the above example, the :status
will behave like an enum and will allow you to
pass an integer
, atom
or string
to it. This applies to saving the model,
invoking Ecto.Changeset.cast/4
, or performing a query on the status field. Let's
do a few examples:
iex> user = Repo.insert!(%User{status: 0})
iex> Repo.get(User,
iex> %{changes: changes} = cast(%User{}, %{"status" => "active"}, ~w(status), [])
iex> changes.status
iex> from(u in User, where: u.status == :registered) |> Repo.all() |> length
Passing a value that the custom Enum type does not recognize will result in an error.
iex> Repo.insert!(%User{status: :none})
** (Elixir.EctoEnum.Error) :none is not a valid enum value
The enum type StatusEnum
will also have a reflection function for inspecting the
enum map in runtime.
iex> StatusEnum.__enum_map__()
[registered: 0, active: 1, inactive: 2, archived: 3]