
Scraper project to extract case details from the official government website

Primary LanguagePython


The scraper currently scrapes all cases in the first page of the supreme court cases list scrapy crawl ng

The Database

alt text


  • url = TextField url to the summary page of the judgement
  • name = TextField full case name
  • name_abbreviation = CharField `
  • suite_no = CharField
  • decision_date = DateField formatted date text
  • citations = TextField
  • court = CharField currently defaults to "Supreme Court of Nigeria"
  • full_judgement = TextField
  • appellants = TextField each appellant is in a new line
  • respondents = TextField each respondent is in a new line
  • full_html = TextField full html of the case page incase you need further parsing


  • case_id = ForeignKeyField
  • author = TextField
  • text = TextField


  • case_id = ForeignKeyField
  • matter = CharField
  • topic = CharField
  • text = TextField
  • author_ref = TextField author & reference


  • case_id = ForeignKeyField
  • name = TextField
  • title = TextField


  • case_id = ForeignKeyField
  • name = TextField
  • representing = TextField either "Appellant(s)" or "Respondent(s)"

Pending Issues

  • prefect.io flow
  • Self sufficiency with the spider