
Table of Contents


- Visit Newston to find stories about different topics all around the world,
and links to the NY TIMES story.


React React Router cypress


- Users are able to find stories about different topics
- Easy access dropdown to view topics
- View list of stories
- View detailed story with link to NY TIMES story and photo


  • Homepage with drop down open


  • Single story page

single story page

  • Light house accessibility score

light house score

Deployed Page

  • Published Newston page here

Possible Future Extensions

- Make comments on stories
- Input for users to search for stories
- Styling

Set Up

  • In your terminal, $ git clone
  • Make a new directory and $ cd into it
  • Install NPM packages with $ npm install, Do NOT run npm audit fix --force
  • Type $ npm start, This runs the app in the development mode
  • Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view Newston
  • Once you are done using Newston, make sure to type Control + C in your terminal stop the server

Organizational Resources


Project Specs

  • The project spec & rubric can be found here