
Code that I use to publish my Nintendo Switch activity to my website via reverse engineering the Switch Parental Controls API.

Primary LanguagePython


This is code that I use on my website to publish daily records of my gaming sessions on my Nintendo Switch. To create this code, I needed to reverse engineer the API used by the Nintedo Switch Parental Controls app for iOS.

In order for these scripts to talk to the API, a number of variables will need to be discovered, including your device identifier, "smart" device identifier, client identifier, and a session token. The best way to get these is to download the parental controls app to an iOS device, and then to set up a network proxy to inspect the traffic that the app sends during authentication. I personally used Charles Proxy for this purpose, which provides the necssary MITM proxy features.

Once you've got things configured properly in conf.py, you can first run fetch.py, which will write out a summary.json file. Then, you can run process.py, which will require some light editing for your use case. Currently, process.py has some hardcoded variables that are specific to my website. In addition, process.py is hardcoded to publish to my website through my own custom webhook. You may want to use something like Micropub.

Note: all of this was inspired by Eddie Hinkle, who did this first!