A handmade version of Raylib for Java.
Raylib-J is still in development.
Raylib-J is a handwritten binding of Raylib in Java using LWJGL3 to provide the OpenGL framework.
To quote @raysan5:
NOTE for ADVENTURERS: raylib is a programming library to enjoy videogames programming; no fancy interface, no visual helpers, no debug button... just coding in the most pure spartan-programmers way.
Raylib-J is being built based on the 4.0 release of Raylib
Raylib-J is meant to be a one-for-one rewrite of Raylib with some quality of life changes including, but not limited
to: JavaDoc comments, DrawFPS(int posX, int posY, Color theColorYouWant)
, and CloseWindow()
being handled
Here's all the code needed to create a window and render some text:
package example;
import com.raylib.java.Raylib;
import com.raylib.java.core.Color;
public class example{
public static void main(String[] args){
Raylib rlj = new Raylib();
rlj.core.InitWindow(800, 600, "Raylib-J Example");
while (!rlj.core.WindowShouldClose()){
rlj.text.DrawText("Hello, World!", 800 - (rlj.text.MeasureText("Hello, World!", 20)/2), 300, 20, Color.DARKGRAY);
More examples like the one above can be found at the Examples repo, or you can see the wiki for additional documentation and elaboration!
At the current moment Raylib-J is only available as a .jar file. Check the releases page to download the most up-to-date version!
Raylib-J is split between the following modules:
- Core: Contains all basic Raylib functions.
- Models: Load and render models and render 3D Geometry
- Audio: Load, manipulate, and play audio
- RLGL: Raylib's OpenGL abstraction layer.
- Shapes: Need to draw 2D shapes and check collision between them? Look no further.
- Text: Manipulate and render text using the default Raylib font, or import your own!
- Textures: All your texture and image needs.
- Utils: A Raylib-J specific module that contains things like
, andrEasings
Check the Raylib Cheatsheet to see each module's available methods!
Other people helped with this process! Whether that was opening an issue or making a library that was used in place of the original libraries to make a lot of this project possible, or at least much easier to develop. Special thanks to the following:
- delthas for their JavaMP3 API
- brammie15 for catching an error that made it into production for an embarrassingly long time
- elias94 for helping get this library running on OSX
- mateoox600 for catching a number of issues and helping update the Examples Repo
- Everyone in the Raylib discord!
Want to see what's cooking or where you can help push the library towards the next release? Check the Roadmap!
Otherwise here's the quick list:
[X] rCore
[X] rShapes
[X] rTextures
[X] rText
[X] rModels
[o] rAudio
[X] Raymath
[X] Physac
[X] easings
[X] rLights
Key: X - complete | O - nearing completion | o - in progress | p - postponed