
IoT Home Automation bridge for Google Home and Alexa

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


IoT home automation bridge for AWS IoT Core and your home assistant Google Home and/or Alexa.

Configure third party services

Before deploying check the instructions below to set up a private integration from the voice assistant you use.

Google Home

  1. Create Google Action
  2. Deploy Infrastructure
  3. Connect Google Action
  4. Configure Account Linking


  1. Create Alexa Skill
  2. Deploy Infrastructure
  3. Connect Google Action
  4. Configure Account Linking


Deploy from Serverless Application Repository:

Region Support Install Link
eu-west-1 ✔️ install
eu-central-1 ✔️ install
us-east-1 ✔️ install
us-east-2 ✔️ install

Manage your devices

List of supported devices: https://github.com/eliot-iot/eliot/wiki/Devices-Managment---Devices

Subscribe to device events: https://github.com/eliot-iot/eliot/wiki/Devices-Managment---Notifications

Device Shadow management workflow: https://github.com/eliot-iot/eliot/wiki/Devices-Managment---Shadow