Slack Swords & Wizardry Attack AC Calculator

Slack app /slash command to make a 1d20 attack roll and determine what armor class the attack hits.


Within Slack:

/attack [character-level] [to-hit-bonus]
/attack 2 1

Example Output

/attack 2 3
Cleric, Druid, Monk - You hit armor class: 7
Fighter, Paladin, Ranger - You hit armor class: 7
Magic-User, Thief, Assassin - You hit armor class: 7
- Level: 2 Attack Bonus: 3
- 1d20: 9
- Final attack roll: 12


Easiest way to develop is to use ngrok as a tunnel, start the app with yarn dev, and point the slash command url to your ngrok domain. Changes will reflect in real time.


Uses claudia.js as a global install (npm install -g claudia) to deploy to aws / lambda / api-gateway. The less I have to think about the better 👍

The deploy:create and deploy:update scripts expect an environment variable set for SLACK_VERIFICATION_TOKEN