
Free and open .ovpn files repository for OpenVPN Connect

.ovpn for everyone!


There will probably be few servers not working, but the majority should have no problems. That's because i don't test EVERY .ovpn, i just download and put them here in this repo.

How does them work?

First of all, .ovpn files can be opened from OpenVPN Connect, which will require an username and a password.

How to get username and password?

For example, if you used [FOVPN] Germany and opened the .ovpn file, the username and password can be found by opening the Password.url situated in the .ovpn's folder, and in this case the username will be freeopenvpn and the password is automatically generated.

Understood, but what do those "FOVPN", "FVPN4Y" and "IPSPEED" mean?

Nothing special, just the abbreviations of the sites. Free OpenVPN, Free VPN 4 You, IPSpeed and VPNBook which are the sites i used to download all the .ovpn files in here, and i just put their abbreviation before the folders' name just to organize them, that's all. You can visit them by clicking the blue names above or with the .url(s) i put into the main folder.

Is it legal?

Why not? It's for your privacy and security, it's an everyone's right to hide themselves from internet using services like VPNs or other stuff. Yeah, that could be illegal if used in nations like North Korea where all communications from social medias or other websites in general not built in their nation is prohibited. But don't worry, you can because you're reading this! 😁