
Contains notes that I made in some of my courses [at IIT-K].

This repository contains notes that I made in some of my courses.

Course Course Name Semester Parent Repository
ECO221 Macroeconomics I Summer 21-22 Notes
MSO202 Complex Variables (Complex Analysis) Summer 21-22 Notes
CS340 Theory of Computation 22-23 I CS340
CS771 Introduction to Machine Learning 22-23 I CS771-1
Introduction to Machine Learning CS771-2
CS641 Modern Cryptology 22-23 II CS641
IME637 Advanced Decision Models 22-23 II Notes
ECO301 Microeconomics II (Game Theory and General Equilibrium) 23-24 I Notes
CS656 Algorithmic Game Theory 23-24 II CS656-1
Algorithmic Game Theory 23-24 II CS656-2
CS687 Algorithmic Information Theory 23-24 II Notes
DMS639 Analytics in Transport and Telecom 23-24 II Notes