
This module allows you to integrate payment acceptance using "CLICK" payment system into Python Django web applications. Click-API module is integrated to "django-payments" module as payment provider.

Primary LanguagePython

This module allows you to integrate payment acceptance using "CLICK" payment system into Python Django web applications. Click-API module is integrated to django-payments module as payment provider. Detailed documentation is available here https://docs.click.uz.


$ pip install django-payments
$ pip install click.tar.gz

Add "payments" and "click" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this::


Add the variables to your settings.py like this::

PAYMENT_HOST = '<your_ip_address>:<your_port>'
PAYMENT_USES_SSL = False # set the True value if you are using the SSL
PAYMENT_MODEL = '<your_payment_model>' 
# payment model format like this :: '<app_name>.<model_name>'
# add "click" to your variants
    'click' : ('click.ClickProvider', {
        'merchant_id' : 1111,
        'merchant_service_id' : 11111,
        'merchant_user_id' : 11111,
        'secret_key' : 'AAAAAA'

Include the click and payments URLconf in your project urls.py like this::

path('payments/', include('payments.urls'))
path('payments/', include('click.urls'))

Create your payment model to models.py like this::

from payments.models import BasePayment
class Payment(BasePayment):

Add the model to your admin.py like this::

from django.contrib import admin
from .models import Payment

class PaymentAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):

admin.site.register(Payment, PaymentAdmin)

Run python manage.py migrate to create the payment and your other models.

Start the development server and visit to create a payment.

Click service urls as pattern : payments/process/click/service/<service_type> :

Service types

1) create_invoice
2) check_invoice
3) create_card_token
4) verify_card_token
5) payment_with_token
5) delete_card_token

The "prepare" and "complete" urls as pattern:

prepare : payments/process/click/prepare
complate : payments/process/click/complete