

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

pam_mysql - A PAM authentication module against MySQL database.

Formerly maintained by Moriyoshi Koizumi at

Now taken care of by Nigel Cunningham at

The following is the original (and still valid) readme.


This is a successor of the "old" pam_mysql module, which comes with
a more stable, secure and robust implementation.

To try this module, you need the following stuff:
 - A *NIX (or similar) system, in which PAM facility is set up and working
   either system-wide or in a chroot jail.
 - A MySQL server, up and running.

Installation instruction
See INSTALL.pam-mysql file for detail.

An example of the configuration file:
auth       optional     pam_mysql.so user=root passwd=password
account    required     pam_mysql.so user=root passwd=password

Available options
The module options are listed below with default in ()s:

verbose (0)

    If set to 1, produces logs with detailed messages that describes what
    PAM-MySQL is doing. May be useful for debugging.


    An alias for the verbose option. This is added in 0.7pre2.


    The user name used to open the specified MySQL database.


    The password used to open the specified MySQL database.


    The host name or the absolute path to the unix socket where the
	MySQL server is listening.  The following formats are accepted:

    1. absolute path to the unix socket (e.g. "/tmp/mysql.sock")
	2. host name (e.g. "somewhere.example.com")
	3. host name + port number (e.g. "somewhere.example.com:3306")


    The name of the database that contains a user-password table.


    The name of table that maps unique login names to the passwords.
    This can be a combination of tables with full JOIN syntax if you
    need more control.  For example:

        [table=Host LEFT JOIN HostUser ON HostUser.host_id=Host.id \
                    LEFT JOIN User ON HostUser.user_id=User.id]


    The name of the table used for password alteration.
    If not defined, the value of the "table" option will be used instead.
    This is handy if you have a complex JOIN instead of a simple table in
    the "table" option above.


    The name of the column that contains a unix login name.
    Should be in a fully qualified form.


    The name of the column that contains a (encrypted) password string.
    Should be in a fully qualified form.


    The name of the column or an SQL expression that indicates the status of
    the user. The status is expressed by the combination of two bitfields
    shown below:

    bit 0 (0x01): if flagged, pam_mysql deems the account to be expired and
                  returns PAM_ACCT_EXPIRED. That is, the account is supposed
                  to no longer be available. Note this doesn't mean that
                  pam_mysql rejects further authentication operations.

    bit 1 (0x02): if flagged, pam_mysql deems the authentication token
                  (password) to be expired and returns PAM_NEW_AUTHTOK_REQD.
                  This ends up requiring that the user enter a new password.

    This option is available since 0.6.

crypt (plain)

    The method to encrypt the user's password:

       0 (or "plain") 	= No encryption.  Passwords stored in plaintext.
                        HIGHLY DISCOURAGED.

       1 (or "Y")     	= Use crypt(3) function.

       2 (or "mysql") 	= Use MySQL PASSWORD() function. It is possible
							that the encryption function used by PAM-MySQL
							is different from that of the MySQL server, as
							PAM-MySQL uses the function defined in MySQL's
							C-client API instead of using PASSWORD() SQL function
							in the query.

       3 (or "md5")   	= Use plain hex MD5.

       4 (or "sha1")  	= Use plain hex SHA1.

       5 (or "drupal7")	= Use Drupal7 salted passwords
       6 (or "joomla15")
       7 (or "ssha")	
       8 (or "sha512")	
       9 (or "sha256")	

md5 (false)

    Use MD5 by default for crypt(3) hash. Only meaningful when crypt is
    set to "Y".

sha256 (false)

    Use SHA-256 by default for crypt(3) hash. Only meaningful when crypt is
    set to "Y".

sha512 (false)

    Use SHA-512 by default for crypt(3) hash. Only meaningful when crypt is
    set to "Y".

blowfish (false)

    Use Blowfish by default for crypt(3) hash. Only meaningful when crypt is
    set to "Y".

use_323_passwd (false)

    Use MySQL version 3 style encryption function if available and the crypt
    option is set to "mysql". This is useful if you have a table migrated
    from the old MySQL database and it stores the old-style passwords.

    This option appeared since 0.7pre2 and 0.6.1.


    Additional criteria for the query. For example:
	    [where=Host.name="web" AND User.active=1]

sqllog (false)

	If set to either "true" or "yes", SQL logging is enabled.


    The name of the table to which logs are written.


    The name of the column in the log table to which the description of the
    performed operation is stored.


    The name of the column in the log table to which the name of the user
    being authenticated is stored.


    The name of the column in the log table to which the pid of the process
    utilising the pam_mysql's authentication service is stored.


    The name of the column in the log table to which the IP address of the
    machine performing the operation is stored.


    The name of the column in the log table to which the name of the remote
    host that initiates the session is stored. The value is supposed to be
    set by the PAM-aware application with pam_set_item(PAM_RHOST).

    Available since 0.7pre3.


    The name of the column in the log table to which the timestamp of
    the log entry is stored.


    Path to a NSS-MySQL style configuration file which enumerates the options
    per line. Acceptable option names and the counterparts in the PAM-MySQL
    are listed below:

    - users.host (host)
    - users.database (db)
    - users.db_user (user)
    - users.db_passwd (passwd)
    - users.where_clause (host)
    - users.table (table)
    - users.update_table (update_table)
    - users.user_column (usercolumn)
    - users.password_column (passwdcolumn)
    - users.status_column (statcolumn)
    - users.password_crypt (crypt)
    - users.use_323_password (use_323_passwd)
    - users.use_md5 (md5)
    - users.where_clause (where)
    - users.disconnect_every_operation (disconnect_every_op) *1
    - verbose (verbose)
    - log.enabled (sqllog)
    - log.table (logtable)
    - log.message_column (logmsgcolumn)
    - log.pid_column (logpidcolumn)
    - log.user_column (logusercolumn)
    - log.host_column (loghostcolumn)
    - log.rhost_column (logrhostcolumn) *2
    - log.time_column (logtimecolumn)

    A "#" in front of the line makes it a comment as in NSS-MySQL.

    This is available since 0.7pre1.

    (*1: added in 0.7RC1)
    (*2: added in 0.7pre3)

use_first_pass (false)

    If true, pam_mysql doesn't prompt a password and uses the one provided
    given in a preceeding authentication module. If it is not given,
    authentication fails.

    This is available since 0.7pre2.

try_first_pass (true)

    If true, pam_mysql first tries to authenticate with the password
    given in a preceeding authentication module. If it fails (because of
    either unavailableness of a password or simple authentication failure),
    then pam_mysql prompts a password for the following authentication.

    The semantics actually breaks the backwards compatibility, because
    authentication is not performed twice in the previous versions when the
    password given by the previous authentication module is wrong.

    This is available since 0.7pre2.

disconnect_every_op (false)

    By default, pam_mysql keeps connection to the MySQL database until the
    session is closed. If this option is set to true it disconnects every
    time the PAM operation has finished.  This option may be useful in case
    the session lasts quite long.

Beware that user names and clear text passwords may be syslogged
if you explicitly configured PAM-MySQL to log select statements (verbose=1).
(Not sure why you want to anyway, slows your system down badly!)

Q. What on earth is PAM anyway?

A. PAM is an acronym for Pluggable Authentication Modules.
   See http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/pam/whatispam.html for further

Q. Are there any tools for changing passwords, etc. without updating tables
   directly through the command-line client program?

A. You can use "passwd" program for that purpose. Note that pam-mysql doesn't
   permit password change without the root privilege (pid=0).

Q. I need to retrieve misc. UNIX user information such as one's home
   directory stored in the account table. Can PAM-MySQL do this?

A. No. As the name suggests, PAM is only involved in authentication
   that in principle has little to do with the account database itself.
   You need to use the nss-mysql module, which can be retrieved from here:

Q. How can I quickly tell in which way a given password is encrypted,
   PASSWORD(), CRYPT()-ed, or md5()?

A. Try using the following MySQL functions: ENCRYPT(), PASSWORD() and md5(),
   and compare the results with each other.

      SELECT ENCRYPT('mypass'), PASSWORD('mypass'), MD5('mypass');

Q. I set up saslauthd (of Cyrus-SASL) to use PAM-MySQL for authentication and
   noticed some authentication mechanisms such as CRAM-MD5 don't work. Why?

A. CRAM-MD5 are DIGEST-MD5 are Challenge-Response authentication mechanisms
   (indeed CRAM is short for Challange-Response Authentication Mechanism),
   plain-text passwords have to be supplied to the instance that handles
   authentication communication with the user (that is, the SASL client
   library), rather than the authenticator (the server). Therefore, it is not
   possible to use PAM with these mechanisms and then you need to configure
   Cyrus-SASL to have "SQL" auxprop plugin with MySQL support and specify
   "auxprop" for the preferred password checking method.

   For instance, if you want to use it in conjunction with Postfix, the SASL
   configuration file "smtpd.conf", which is put in the Cyrus-SASL's plugin
   directory (or the location included in the SASL_PATH environment variable),
   would look like the following:

      pwcheck_method: auxprop
      mech_list: plain login cram-md5 digest-md5
      sql_engine: mysql
      sql_database: sys
      sql_user: someuser
      sql_passwd: fubar
      sql_select: SELECT password FROM users WHERE name='%u' and domain='%r';

   Note that passwords should be stored in plain-text in this case.

Q. PAM-MySQL is licensed under GNU Public License and I heard that
   GPL requires the program that links to a GPL'ed shared binary object
   at runtime also being covered by GPL. Is it safe to use PAM-MYSQL
   from a program with a license that is incompatible with GPL?

A. Our thought regarding this issue is that runtime dynamic linking itself
   is not an action to make a derivative work of anything that ends up
   in the physicial memory. No matter what GPL is like, and will be like,
   we exceptionally grant you a permanent and non-exclusive right to use a
   binary-formed derivative of PAM-MySQL in combination with any other

Q. I could not build pam-mysql on Solaris with the official MySQL binary
   package. How can I fix this?

A. You apparently got a binary package built with the Forte C compiler,
   which requires a different set of command-line options than the compiler
   (most likely GCC) you are now trying to build pam_mysql with.

   There are two options to deal with this problem:

   1. Get the Forte C compiler and build pam-mysql with it.
   2. Build MySQL from the source with the same compiler as the one that
      should be used to build pam-mysql.



- OpenPAM


- sysauth-pgsql (the PostgreSQL counterpart of PAM-MySQL, accompanied by the
  nss module also)

- Cyrus-SASL

- Sendmail-SQL: