
The RPM SPEC for my package for Bitwig Studio

MIT LicenseMIT

Build the Bitwig RPM package locally

Make sure your system has the necessary packages in order to build the RPM package:

sudo dnf install rpm-build rpmdevtools

Create ~/rpmbuild directory structure:


Fetch the source package for Bitwig (the Debian package from their website):

spectool --get-files --sourcedir ./bitwig-studio.spec

Build the RPM package:

rpmbuild -bb bitwig-studio.spec

Install Bitwig

Install the package (there are simpler ways, but this one selects the version just built):

sudo dnf install ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/bitwig-studio-$(cat ./bitwig-studio.spec | grep Version | rev | cut -d\  -f1 | rev)-*.rpm