Read Me

This project is an experiment to see how well open tracing can work with graphql, express and objection/knex

alt Sample Trace

Getting Started


  • node
  • yarn
  • docker and docker-compose


docker-compose up # To start jaeger
yarn install
yarn start


Jaeger UI

Sample Query:

query PeopleQuery {
  people {

Open the graphql playground and excute the query a few times and then observe the spans created in jaeger


  • Get every single span to log - Done using ConstSampler
  • Retrieve spans in resolvers using GraphQLResolveInfo
  • Types for opentracing
  • Submit Opentracing types to definitely typed or enahnce npm package
  • Figure out how to deal with parallel field resolution - Works I think...
  • Add objection/knex integration
  • Add joinmonster integration (This may be convered by field instrumentation)
  • Test how it works with batch execution


Context added to all extension methods Remove patch package when this is released