
Adding WiFi monitoring to US2000B batteries.

Primary LanguageC++

Pylontech Battery Monitoring via WiFi

This project allows you to control and monitor Pylontech US2000B batteries via console port over WiFi. It it's a great starting point to integrate battery with your home automation.



  • Low cost (around 20$ in total).
  • Adds WiFi capability to your Pylontech US2000B battery.
  • Device exposes web interface that allows to:
    • send console commands and read response over WiFi (no PC needed)
    • battery information can be retrevied also in JSON format for easy parsing
  • MQTT support:
    • device pushes basic battery data like SOC, temperature, state, etc to selected MQTT server
  • Easy to modify code using Arduino IDE and flash new firmware over WiFi (no need to disconnect from the battery).

See the project in action on Youtube:
See the project in action on YouTube

Parts needed and schematics:

  • Wemos D1 mini microcontroller.
  • SparkFun MAX3232 Transceiver.
  • Cable with RJ10 connector (some RJ10 cables have only two wires, make sure to buy one that has all four wires present).
  • Capacitors C1: 10uF, C2: 0.1uF (this is not strictly required, but recommended as Wemos D1 can have large current spikes).


How to get going:

  • Get Wemos D1 mini
  • Install arduino IDE and ESP8266 libraries as described here
  • Open PylontechMonitoring.ino in arduino IDE
  • Make sure to copy content of libraries subdirectory to libraries of your Arduino IDE.
  • Specify your WiFi login and password at the top of the file (line 13-14)
  • If you want MQTT support, uncomment line 17 and fill details in lines 21-24
  • Upload project to your device
  • Connect Wemos D1 mini to the MAX3232 transreceiver
  • Connect transreceiver to RJ10 as descibed in the schematics (all three lines need to be connected)
  • Connect RJ10 to the serial port of the Pylontech US2000 battery. If you have multiple batteries - connect to the master one.
  • Connect Wemos D1 to the power via USB
  • Find what IP address was assigned to your Wemos by your router and open it in the web-browser
  • You should be able now to connunicate with the battery via WiFi