
This is an app that displays albums from the web and directs users to an online shop(AMAZON) where they can purchase albums of their choice from the ones added to the application. Click the link to see the working app:

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


  • This is an app that displays albums from the web and directs users to an online shop(AMAZON) where they can purchase albums of their choice from the ones added to the application


  • Hello and welcome to this tutorial where we will be building this application from start to finish.

  • Before anything please go a head to the React Native Website and click on the get started button to install react native into your computer


First we need to create our application using npxby doing npx react-native init AlbumsRN in our terminal


After initiating our application we are going to see this in our terminal to start the app. This is an indication that the application and React native set up is perfect . Albums_rn We should now see such information to start our application

Run instructions for iOS:  
• cd "C:\Users\cliff\Desktop\rn\AlbumsRN" && npx react-native run-ios  
- or -  
• Open AlbumsRN\ios\AlbumsRN.xcodeproj in Xcode or run "xed -b ios"  
• Hit the Run button  
Run instructions for Android:  
• Have an Android emulator running (quickest way to get started), or a device connected.  
• cd "C:\Users\cliff\Desktop\rn\AlbumsRN" && npx react-native run-android  
Run instructions for Windows and macOS:  
• See https://aka.ms/ReactNative for the latest up-to-date instructions.



  • React Native

  • android

  • If you'd wish to install this application you can do so by


  • Clone/fork the app Albums_RN Github

  • To Install dependencies type yarn install on your terminal

  • After installation run the app by typing npx react-native run-android on your terminal


You can watch a summary of what we will be building in on youtube

Albums RN


  • Cliff Gor