
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Rafiki Works - NodeJS Programming Challenge

1. Noughts and Crosses

Games of Noughts and Crosses are played by two players on a 3x3 board. One player is Noughts, and the other is Crosses. The players take turns choosing a slot to place their respective symbols in. The winner is the first player to get three of their symbols in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. If all nine slots are filled and neither player has three symbols in a row, the game is a draw.

1.1 Task

Abiding by the rules in 1.3, adapt the NodeJS code from 1.4 to calculate the state of a given board. The program should accept boards using the representation in 1.2 as arguments and should print one result per line in order.

1.2 Board Representation

Boards are represented as strings of length nine, corresponding to the nine slots, starting in the top left slot and counting across each row. The character "X" is used for Crosses, "O" (letter O) for Noughts, and "" for empty slots. Please note that tests can be any permutation-with-repetition of "X", "O", and "" of length nine.

1.3 Game Rules

  • Crosses always go first.
  • Players must make a move during their turn in one of the empty slots.
  • The game ends as soon as either player gets 3 in a row, or there are no empty slots left.

1.4 Sample Code

This is the code for index.js. You may choose to add new functions and additional modules.

// You may choose to add new functions and additional modules
const boardState = {
    // complete this enum with all the possible states of a noughts and crosses board (there's more than 3)
    DRAW: "DRAW",

function getStateOfBoard(board) {
    // complete this method so that it returns the correct board state
    return boardState.CROSSES_WIN;

// leave this part unchanged
const args = process.argv.slice(2);
for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {

1.5 Examples

You can use this example test to get started: