Install dependencies
npm install
Start the app
npx expo start
In the code you will navigate to the /app/tabs/explore.js
to view the solution
Your application should feature a text input field and a submit button to add new tasks
When a user enters a task in the inut feild and presses the submit button, the task should be added to a list displayed on the screen
each task in the list must be accompanied by an "Edit" button
pressing the "Edit" button shouls transform the task text into an editable input field along with a save button to confirm changes
Changes must be saved to the task list when "Save" button is pressed
Each task should also feature a "Remove" button next to the "Edit" button for removing that specific task from the list
The "Remove" button should not be visible while in edit mode
Add the attributes testID="toDoLIst" to the Flatlist component
import React, { useState, useCallback } from 'react'; import { View, TextInput, Button, Text, FlatList, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
const TodoApp = () => {
return ( <View> ToDo List </View> );
export default TodoApp;