
simulation test for hawk

Primary LanguageClojure

hawk-sim Simulation

Running the Sample Service

The only pre-requisite for running the sample service is a working installation of Docker.

After that, just run run-service.sh to invoke the proper Docker incantations.

$ ./run-service.sh

If you're on Linux, just add sudo in front of that command.

Interacting with the Simulation

This project is a little different from most Clojure projects; it uses Boot, rather than Leiningen. Follow the installation instructions to install Boot on your machine.

Before attempting to interact with your simulation, you will need to start the target system, and (optionally) start a Datomic transactor.

For the generate sample service, you can launch an instance with the command:

$ ./run-service.sh

At the REPL

To interact with the simulation codebase, open your editor to src/simulation/repl.clj and evaluate regions or the entire file.

This file runs Datomic in in-memory mode, so running a Datomic transactor is not necessary.

At the Command-Line

This project comes bundled with an active installation of boot-sim, which provides a number of command-line tasks for interacting with a simulation.

To start a Datomic transactor for persistent sims, get Datomic, then launch a transactor from the downloaded artifacts. For a simple, dev transactor, use this command:

# In datomic-free-X.Y.ZZZZ/
$ bin/transactor config/samples/free-transactor-template.properties
Launching with Java options -server -Xms1g -Xmx1g -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50
Starting datomic:free://localhost:4334/<DB-NAME>, storing data in: data ...
System started datomic:free://localhost:4334/<DB-NAME>, storing data in: data


  • Simulant by Metadata Partners. Licensed Under: EPL.
  • simulant-example by mtnygard. Licensed Under: EPL. sim-template is heavily inspired by Michael's take on building a simulant test suite.


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