
Spreadsheet-like dataflow programming in ClojureScript.

Primary LanguageClojure

tailrecursion/javelin logo


Spreadsheet-like dataflow programming in ClojureScript.


(ns your-ns
  (:require [tailrecursion.javelin :refer [cell]])
  (:require-macros [tailrecursion.javelin :refer [cell=]]))

(defn start []
  (let [a (cell 0)              ;; input cell with initial value of 0.
        b (cell= (inc a))       ;; formula cell of a+1.
        c (cell= (+ 123 a b))]  ;; formula cell of a+b+123.
    (cell= (.log js/console c)) ;; anonymous formula cell for side effects.
    ;; c's initial value, 124, is printed.
    (swap! a inc)
    ;; a was incremented, and its new value propagated (consistently)
    ;; through b and c.  c's new value, 126, is printed to the console.

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Javelin provides a spreadsheet-like computing environment consisting of input cells and formula cells and introduces the Cell reference type to represent both.

All Cells
  • contain values.
  • implement the IWatchable interface.
  • are dereferenced with deref or the @ reader macro.
Input Cells
  • are created by the cell function or defc macro.
  • are updated explicitly using swap! or reset!.
Formula Cells
  • are created by the cell= or defc= macros.
  • are updated reactively according to a formula.
  • are read-only—updating a formula cell via swap! or reset! is an error.

Some examples of cells:

(defc a 42)               ;; cell containing the number 42
(defc b '(+ 1 2))         ;; cell containing the list (+ 1 2)
(defc c (+ 1 2))          ;; cell containing the number 3
(defc d {:x @a})          ;; cell containing the map {:x 42}

(defc= e {:x a})          ;; cell with formula {:x a}, updated when a changes
(defc= f (+ a 1))         ;; cell with formula (+ a 1), updated when a changes
(defc= g (+ a ~(inc @a))) ;; cell with formula (+ a 43), updated when a changes
(defc= h [e f g])         ;; cell with formula [e f g], updated when e, f, or g change

@h                        ;;=> [{:x 42} 43 85]
(reset! a 7)              ;;=> 7
@h                        ;;=> [{:x 7} 8 50]
(swap! f inc)             ;;=> ERROR: f is a formula cell, it updates itself!

Note the use of ~ in the definition of g. The expression (inc @a) is evaluated and the resulting value is used when creating the formula, rather than being recomputed each time the cell updates. See the Formulas section below.

Cells can be microbeasts...

(defc test-results
  {:scores [74 51 97 88 89 91 72 77 69 72 45 63]
   :proctor "Mr. Smith"
   :subject "Organic Chemistry"
   :sequence "CHM2049"})

(defc= test-results-with-mean
  (let [scores (:scores test-results)
        mean   (/ (reduce + scores) (count scores))
        grade  (cond (<= 90 mean) :A
                     (<= 80 mean) :B
                     (<= 70 mean) :C
                     (<= 60 mean) :D
                     :else        :F)]
    (assoc test-results :mean mean :grade grade)))


All macros in formula expressions are fully expanded. The resulting expression is then interpreted according to the following rules:

  • The unquote form causes its argument to be evaluated in place and not walked.
  • The unquote-splicing form is interpreted as the composition of unquote as above and deref.

Some things don't make sense in formulas and cause errors:

  • Unsupported forms def, ns, deftype*, and defrecord*.
  • Circular dependencies between cells result in infinite loops at runtime.

Javelin API

Requiring the namespace and macros:

(ns my-ns
     :refer [cell? input? cell set-cell! alts! destroy-cell! cell-map]])
     :refer [cell= defc defc= set-cell!= cell-doseq]]))

API functions and macros:

(cell? c)
;; Returns c if c is a Cell, nil otherwise.

(input? c)
;; Returns c if c is an input cell, nil otherwise.

(cell expr)
;; Create new input cell with initial value expr.

(cell= expr)
;; Create new fomula cell with formula expr.

(defc symbol doc-string? expr)
;; Creates a new input cell and binds it to a var with the name symbol and
;; the docstring doc-string if provided.

(defc= symbol doc-string? expr)
;; Creates a new formula cell and binds it to a var with the name symbol and
;; the docstring doc-string if provided.

(set-cell! c expr)
;; Convert c to input cell (if necessary) with value expr.

(set-cell!= c expr)
;; Convert c to formula cell (if necessary) with formula expr.

(destroy-cell! c)
;; Disconnects c from the propagation graph so it can be GC'd.

(alts! cs*)
;; Creates a formula cell whose value is a list of changed values in the cells cs.

(cell-map f c)
;; Given a cell c containing a seqable value of size n and a function f, returns
;; a sequence of n formula cells such that the ith cell's formula is (f (nth c i)).

(cell-let [binding-form c] body*)
;; Given a cell c and a binding form, binds names in the binding form to formula
;; cells containing the destructured values (these values will update as the
;; value of c changes) and evaluates the body expressions.

(cell-doseq seq-expr body*)
;; Repeatedly executes the body expression(s) for side effects as doseq does.
;; However seq-expr is a single binding-form/collection-cell-expr pair instead
;; of the multiple pairs allowed in doseq, and binding forms are bound to formula
;; cells containing the destructured values which will update as the collection
;; expr cell is changed.

(prop-cell prop-expr)
;; Returns a formula cell whose value is synced to the prop-expr, which is a
;; JavaScript property access expression, like (.-foo js/bar) for example.

(prop-cell prop-expr setter-cell callback?)
;; Given a property access expression (see above) prop-expr, a formula cell
;; setter-cell, and optionally a callback function, the JavaScript object
;; property specified by prop-expr is kept synced to the value in setter-cell
;; at all times. If the callback was provided it will be called whenever an
;; attempt is made to change the value of the property by means other than via
;; the setter-cell.


Copyright (c) Alan Dipert and Micha Niskin. All rights
reserved. The use and distribution terms for this software are
covered by the Eclipse Public License 1.0
(http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php) which can be
found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this
distribution. By using this software in any fashion, you are
agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. You must not
remove this notice, or any other, from this software.