Logistic Order Management System


This project provides a reliable backend system to clients. Three endpoints have been implemented to list/place/take orders.


  1. A clean, simple working solution.
  2. A start.sh bash script at the root of the project, which should setup all relevant applications. It works on Ubuntu.
  3. Unit/integration tests.
  4. Production ready.

Problem Statement

  1. A RESTful HTTP API listening to port 8080

  2. The API has 3 endpoints with path, method, request and response body as specified

    • One endpoint to create an order (see sample)

      • To create an order, the API client must provide an origin and a destination (see sample)
      • The API responds an object containing the distance and the order ID (see sample)
    • One endpoint to take an order (see sample)

      • An order must not be takable multiple time.
      • An error response should be sent if a client tries to take an order already taken.
    • One endpoint to list orders (see sample)

  3. Google maps API to get the distance for the order: https://cloud.google.com/maps-platform/routes/

  4. MySQL is used. The DB installation & initialisation is done in start.sh.

Api interface example

Place order

  • Method: POST

  • URL path: /order

  • Request body:

        "origin": ["START_LATITUDE", "START_LONGITUDE" ],
        "destination": ["END_LATITUDE", "END_LONGITUDE"]
  • Response:

    Header: HTTP 200 Body:

        "id": <order_id>,
        "distance": <total_distance>,
        "status": "UNASSIGN"


    Header: HTTP 500 Body:

        "error": "ERROR_DESCRIPTION"

Take order

  • Method: PUT

  • URL path: /order/:id

  • Request body:

  • Response: Header: HTTP 200 Body:

        "status": "SUCCESS"


    Header: HTTP 409 Body:

        "error": "ORDER_ALREADY_BEEN_TAKEN"

Order list

  • Method: GET

  • Url path: /orders?page=:page&limit=:limit

  • Response:

            "id": <order_id>,
            "distance": <total_distance>,
            "status": <ORDER_STATUS>


  1. Git clone the project git clone git@github.com:cliffordchan/order_management.git demo
  2. Change directory into the demo folder cd demo
  3. Copy .env.example to .env cp .env.example .env
  4. Generate a new application key with the following command php artisan key:generate
  5. Replace GOOGLE_DISTANCE_MATRIX_API_KEY key with the actual Google API key in .env of the root directory
  6. Execute ./start.sh
  7. Endpoint will be available at http://localhost:8080
  8. UnitTests will be available by executing at the root directory of the project