Enterprise LLM RAG: Soaring LangChain with Falcon Integration & GenAI Workshop

Welcome to the LLM RAG workshop! In this workshop, you will be deploying a pre-built solution that leverages a range of AWS services to implement an end to end Document Retrieval Q&A Chatbot

Environments preparation

Login to Event Engine (https://dashboard.eventengine.run)

  • Enter Your hashkey for login image
  • Enter your email and get one time password for login
  • Select AWS console for access console environments image
  • Select Open Console image
  • You should now see the console image

LLM Workshop Deployment

Step 1. Create IAM users

  • Search for the IAM service in the search bar at the top of the console and create an IAM user image
  • Provide a user name, ex:LLM_Deployment image
  • Attached Admin policy to this user and create user image
  • Select this user again and click on the security credentials tab image
  • Find the access key section and create an access key image
  • Select the Command Line Interface (CLI) use case and check the confirmation box to create your access key image
  • Copy the Access key and Secret access key to local text file (Be careful! the secret key is shown only once!) image

Step 2. Create cloud9 instance

  • Create a Cloud9 environment
  • Provide a name, select t3.small instance and create image

  • After instance created, open the Cloud9 IDE image

  • Use aws configure and enter the Access key and Secret access key you just record before. leave the region by default image

  • Select force update

  • Download workshop package to cloud9 instance

    wget https://jameschiang1001.s3.amazonaws.com/smart_search-v2-k.zip
  • Unzip the download file

    unzip smart_search-v2-k.zip

Step 3. Deploy LLM+Kendra workshop package

  • Use cdk to deploy the AWS Lambda, Amazon Kendra and Amazon SageMaker service

    cd smart_search-v2/deployment/
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Export the related environment variables

    export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID={your account}
    export AWS_REGION={your region}

    Find our Account ID in the dropdown in the top right corner of the console:



    image image
  • Deploy the project using the Cloud Development Kit (CDK). This process will take around 30 mins

    cdk bootstrap
    cdk deploy --all --require-approval never
    image image

Step 4. Import data to kendra from AWS S3

  • Download the archive containing a list of AWS white papers
  cd ~/environment
  wget https://jameschiang1001.s3.amazonaws.com/AWS_Whitepapers.zip
  unzip AWS_Whitepapers.zip
  • Check the Amazon Kendra S3 data source, go to S3 console and look for a bucket name that looks like smart-search-kendraxxxx image

  • Go Back to your Cloud9 IDE, use the following command to upload the white papers to S3

    aws s3 sync  AWS_Whitepapers s3://{your-s3-bucket}/
  • Go back to the Kendra console and open your index image

  • Select the S3 data source and click sync now image

Step 5. Deploy LLM model

  • Look for the SmartSearchNotebook in SageMaker -> Notebook -> Notebook instances, click Open Jupyter image
  • Open LLM_Model/llm-english/code/inference.py and modify line 37 LLM_NAME value to TheBloke/vicuna-7B-1.1-HF (remember to save the file)
  • Back to LLM_Model/llm-english/ and open llm_english_sagemaker_byos.ipynb. Run the code sequentially.The second step may take more than 15 mins. image

  • Change chiness question to english to make sure the model can run well


Step 6. Varifying LLM model with Kendra service

  • go to apigateway and click smart-search-qa-api image

  • Select stage->prod, record the invoke URL image

  • back to cloud9 console, select gradio-webpage.py under gradio-web. Change the url to your own url. image

  • install gradio

    pip install gradio

    if you see following errors image please reinstall fastapi

    pip install fastapi
  • running gradio for web service

    python gradio-webpage.py
  • please check the public url. if you can see following page. the deployment is success. image

Test LLM Workshop Result

Enter following questions for testing

  1. What is aws sagemaker
image 2. How to build a web site on aws image 3. what is aws security best practice image

Lab 2 - Langchain with Kendra and

  1. Open a terminal in Jupyter

Opening new terminal in Jupyter

  1. Clone the workshop repository using the following terminal commands
cd SageMaker
git clone https://github.com/cliffordduke/llm-kendra-rag-workshop.git

Git clone repository

  1. Navigate back to the Jupyter browser and into the cloned workshop folder, open the kendra-langchain.ipynb notebook. Make sure it us running the conda_python3 kernel

Open Notebook

We will leverage the previous labs Kendra Index for demonstration purposes, in order for this notebook to work, please add AmazonKendraFullAccess policy to the IAM role

  1. Navigate to your notebook instance https://us-west-2.console.aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/home?region=us-west-2#/notebook-instances/ and open the associated IAM Role Notebook instance

  2. Attach the AmazonKendraFullAccess policy to the role Notebook instance