
shuffle for electroncash

Primary LanguagePython


This plugin for electron-cash BCH wallet. It allows user to make a coinjoin shuffled transaction.


  1. place the shuffle folder to electron-cash /plugins folder
  2. add the link to plugin to electron-cash setup.py with adding 'electroncash_plugins.shuffle' to setup packages list.
  3. re-install electron-cahs
sudo python3 setup.py install

Getting started

  1. Enable plugin from 'tools/plugins' menu


  1. Press Settings and enter the server connection string

Server settings

  1. Close the settings dialog window. The shuffle tab will appear

Server settings

Making shuffle

  1. Form Shuffle input address choose coin which you want to shuffle. The list of coins formed from utxo's of your wallet.

  2. From Shuffle change address choose the address for the change. You can leave default setting if you don't want to get any change back.

  3. From Shuffle output address choose the address for shuffled output

  4. In the amount block choose the amount of coins for shuffling.

  5. Fee is fixed and unchanged

  6. If amount of coins in input grater then sum of shuffling amount fee then Shuffle button will become enabled

  7. Pressing the Shuffle will start shuffling process. After 5 players registered on server shuffling process will starts.

  8. If all goes good you will see the outputs and transaction dialog window in the end. If something goes wrong you will see the errors in output.

  9. In this version of protocol one of the players should press broadcast on transaction dialog window.