
The RSNA Image Share project has developed tools that enable any radiology site with an HL7 2.x compliant radiology information system (RIS) and picture archive and communication system (PACS) to link to the RSNA Image Share network.

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The RSNA Image Share project has developed tools that enable any radiology site with an HL7 2.x compliant radiology information system (RIS) and picture archive and communication system (PACS) to link to the RSNA Image Share network. The Edge Server gathers images and reports and places them in secure digital package. It gives site staff a simple browser-based user interface to select patient studies and send them to the Image Clearinghouse (provided by lifeIMAGE, Inc.). It generates a unique security key patients use to retrieve this information from the Clearinghouse into their personal health record (PHR) accounts.

We encourage radiology sites and vendors of radiology systems to implement edge server capabilities and link to the Image Share network. This source repository hosts all the components that are needed to build the Edge Server application via source code.

Packaged downloads and documentation are available at RSNA Image Share for Developers.