
A small library that makes text look glitchy!

Demonstration here!

Note: monospace fonts work best as the non-monospace characters have different widths and cause the paragraph change size

Quick setup

  1. Download glitchText.js and link it to your HTML file
<!-- use the original file -->
<script src="./lib/glitchText.js"></script>
<!-- Or use the minified file -->
<script src="./lib/glitchText.min.js"></script>
  1. Use glitchText.register to turn an element glitchy
Const key = glitchText.register(node, options)
  1. Use glitchText.set to set text
Const key = glitchText.register(node, options)
glitchText.set(key, str)
  1. Watch as glitchy text appears!


glitchText.Register(node, options)

Registers node as a glitch object.


node - Node to put text in
options - Options for glitch effect
options.text - starting text
options.speed - speed of glitch effect
options.chance - chance of character to be glitched (1 / chance)


The key of the glitch obj, used in other glitchText methods

glitchText.unregister(node, options)

Unregisters node as a glitch object.


key - A string representing the key of the glitch object


Gets glitch object.


key - A string representing the key of the glitch object


The glitch obj


Sets string in glitch object


key - A string representing the key of the glitch object
str - Text to replace or add
append - Boolean to check if str should be appended to current text