
Example repository

Primary LanguageMakefile


Hello, this is an example repository to demonstrate COPR SCM abilities. To understand the following description better, please see blog-tutorial-flat-packed and blog-tutorial-flat-unpacked first.

Content of this repository is layered.

Layered means there are some non-root subpackages in the repository. In other words, there are some subdirectories that contain a spec file.

  • Subpackage subpkg1 is packed.
  • Subpackage subpkg2 is unpacked.

Now note that so far we have assumed that subpackage is a subdirectory that contains a spec file and that spec file will be used for SRPM generation (building SRPM precedes building RPM in COPR). But that might not always be the case.

What you can actually do is to use the content of subpkg1 together with the spec file your.spec placed in rpm subdirectory and build the SRPM out of those two. If you know rpmbuild tool, this basically translates to calling rpmbuild -bs rpm/your.spec --define '%_sourcedir subpkg1'. You can do the same thing for subpkg2 and rpm/your.spec by the way.

If you use rpm/your.spec, then the subpkg1/my.spec is just a normal file and it is not even required for it to be present in the subpkg1 subdirectory. That basically means you can make a subpackage out of any subdirectory in your repository whether it contains a spec file or not if you additionaly say what spec file should be used for SRPM generation.

Knowing that subpackage is really formed by any spec file together with some source directory makes formal defintions of flat and layered more complicated. Let's just say that blog-tutorial-flat-unpacked repository is called flat because source directory for its only subpackage is a root directory and this repository is layered because it contains at least one subpackage of which its source directory is not a root directory. Note that there can be no subpackages in a repository if that repository does not contain a spec file.

What is probably even more curious is the true difference between packed and unpacked subpackages. Previously, we have said that:

Packed means the application source files are packed into a tarball being referenced by a Source directive in the .spec file.


Unpacked means the application source files are not packed into a tarball that would be referenced by a Source directive in the spec file.

This is basically correct, although still rather an intuitive explanation. What it does not really say, for example, is:

  • what exactly is considered to be an application source file
  • what happens if there are no application source files in the repository but also no files (tarballs) referenced from the spec file by a Source directive

To asnwer these questions we need to be precise about what those terms mean:

    "packed": does not contain anything else
              except ignored files or contains
              at least one source referenced
              by the given specfile


    "unpacked": is not "packed", meaning that
                it contains at least one non-ignored
                file and contains no file referenced
                by the given specfile as a source

Note that:

    "source": is a filename specified in a Source
              or Patch .spec directive

and that ignored files are described by the following (case-insensitive) regular expression:

    ignore_file_regex = '(^LICENSE|^README|^tito.props$|.spec$|^\.|^sources$)'

Now, these definitions (wired into https://pagure.io/rpkg-client) are really mind-boggling and I would recommend to just stick to the previous intutitive ones but what they allow, in the end, is that you can use the rpkg-client tool to call rpkg srpm for a given subpackage and it will do the right thing:

  • For a packed subpackage composed of subpkg1.spec spec file and subpkg1_sourcedirsource directory, it will basically just invoke:

    rpmbuild -bs subpkg1.spec --define '%_sourcedir subpkg1_sourcedir'

which is what person familiar with rpmbuild would expect.

  • For an unpacked subpackage composed of subpkg2.spec spec file and subpkg2_sourcedirsource directory, it will do little bit of preprocessing first, packing the content of subpkg2_sourcedir into a tarball named according to Source0 definition in the provided subpkg2.spec and placing it into the subpkg2_sourcedir before invoking the same rpmbuild command as before for the packed subpackage. That is:

    rpmbuild -bs subpkg2.spec --define '%_sourcedir subpkg2_sourcedir'

This is the magic that really makes the SCM method in COPR so versatile that it can handle both types of subpackages without asking a user about the content type.

Now let's finally answer the unanswered questions that we were interested in:

  • what exactly is considered to be an application source file

    • a non-ignored file
  • what happens if there are no application source files in the repository but also no files (tarballs) referenced from the spec file by a Source directive

    • not that much but the repository contains a subpackage of packed type