
Natural sorting implemented in Go

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Natural sorting implemented in Go.

The package expects valid UTF-8-encoded strings. If you're accepting user input, check with utf8.Valid or utf8.ValidString first. The strings may contain arbitrarily large numbers.


A simple slice of strings:

package main

import (


func main() {
  items := []string{"Chapter 1", "Chapter 11", "Chapter 2"}
  for _, item := range items {


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 11

A slice of structs sorted by field:

package main

import (


type Movie struct {
	ID    uint
	Title string

func main() {
	movies := []*Movie{
		{24, "Die Hard 2"},
		{17, "Die Hard 1"},
		{42, "Die Hard 10"},

	sort.SliceStable(movies, func(i, j int) bool {
		return naturalsort.Compare(movies[i].Title, movies[j].Title)

	for _, movie := range movies {
		fmt.Printf("%s (ID: %d)\n", movie.Title, movie.ID)


Die Hard 1 (ID: 17)
Die Hard 2 (ID: 24)
Die Hard 10 (ID: 42)