
Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Cell Society

This project implements a cellular automata simulator.

Names: Allen Qiu (asq3)

Christopher Lin (cl349)

Scott McConnell (skm44)


Start Date: 09.07.18

Finish Date: 10.01.18

Hours Spent: 100 total

Primary Roles

Christopher: Model/Simulation

Allen: UI

Scott: XML/Config

Resources Used


XMLException.java, XMLParser.java, and Game.java from spike_cellsociety

Running the Program

Main class: UI.UIManager

Data files needed: Fire.xml, ForagingAnts.xml, GameOfLife.xml, PredatorPrey.xml, RPS.xml, Segregation.xml, LangtonsLoop.xml

To randomize the initial configuration, leave the configs tag blank in the XML file.

To show gridlines, enter 1, to hide gridlines, enter 0

Interesting data files: ForagingAnts.xml (play at 2x speed), RPS.xml

Features implemented:

  • Differing shapes for square neighborhoods
  • Square and triangular grids
  • Finite and toroidal edges
  • Simulations
    • Fire
    • Foraging Ants
    • Game of Life
    • Predator Prey (wator world)
    • Rock Paper Scissors (bacterial growth)
    • Segregation
    • Langton's Loop
  • Config file error checking
  • Specific and completely random initial conditions
  • Configurable:
    • Title
    • Author
    • Cell shapes
    • Edge types
    • Grid lines presence
    • Initial configuration or random configuration
    • Active neighbors
    • Cell colors
    • Simulation description
  • Exceptions handled:
    • Empty string passed in (returns “0”)
    • Invalid or no simulation type given (throws exception)
    • Invalid cell states given (throws exception)
    • Cell locations given that are outside the bounds of the grid’s size (throws exception)
    • No initial configurations given (randomizes based on a total number of locations to occupy)
    • Negative value rows/columns integers (gets absolute valued)
    • Zero value rows/columns integers (throws exception)
    • Too many / not enough colors given (throws exception)
    • Invalid shape type string given (defaults to square)
    • Odd rows/columns parameter when triangle is chosen (throws exception)
    • Invalid edge type string given (defaults to finite)
    • Invalid gridlines integer given (default hides gridlines)
    • Null/Empty Title, Author, Description strings even (default shows “No Title” / “No Author” / “No Description”)
  • Cell population graph
  • Dynamic simulation parameter changing
  • Interaction with cells through the UI
  • Multiple windows
    • Graph only works for last graph opened

Assumptions or Simplifications:

  • RPS uses simplified methods for autoinducer decay and release
  • Foraging ants does not care about ant orientation
  • Langton's loop is always run on a square grid

Known Bugs:

  • Triangle grid does not allow selection of neighbors
  • Langton's loop does not simulate properly

Extra credit:


  • For multiple windows, the graph only displays for the last window opened. Additionally, a previously implemented reset button no longer works and was commented out.
    • We chose to create new windows because we wanted to give the users the flexibility to arrange the simulations as they saw fit.
    • They do not need to be the same simulation type because we did not end getting the graph to work.
    • All the controls apply to all graphs because it was easier and we did not have enough time to implement some sort of mapping of thread IDs to specific Timelines.
      • We attempted this and thread ID conventions were very confusing and we ran out of time.
  • For Foraging Ants, it is best to run it at 2x speed. The ants themselves our invisible, and the white cells represent cells where pheromones have built up.


  • Many of the assumptions that were made during design week turned out to be untrue.

  • JavaFX and Java threads are super confusing because anything that needs to interact with the UI needs to run in the main JavaFX thread

    • If a background thread needs to modify the UI, you need to call Platform.runLater()
    • Threads in general were also confusing with threads, tasks, executors, etc.