This project implements a cellular automata simulator.
Names: Allen Qiu (asq3)
Christopher Lin (cl349)
Scott McConnell (skm44)
Start Date: 09.07.18
Finish Date: 10.01.18
Hours Spent: 100 total
Christopher: Model/Simulation
Allen: UI
Scott: XML/Config,, and from spike_cellsociety
Main class: UI.UIManager
Data files needed: Fire.xml, ForagingAnts.xml, GameOfLife.xml, PredatorPrey.xml, RPS.xml, Segregation.xml, LangtonsLoop.xml
To randomize the initial configuration, leave the configs tag blank in the XML file.
To show gridlines, enter 1, to hide gridlines, enter 0
Interesting data files: ForagingAnts.xml (play at 2x speed), RPS.xml
Features implemented:
- Differing shapes for square neighborhoods
- Square and triangular grids
- Finite and toroidal edges
- Simulations
- Fire
- Foraging Ants
- Game of Life
- Predator Prey (wator world)
- Rock Paper Scissors (bacterial growth)
- Segregation
- Langton's Loop
- Config file error checking
- Specific and completely random initial conditions
- Configurable:
- Title
- Author
- Cell shapes
- Edge types
- Grid lines presence
- Initial configuration or random configuration
- Active neighbors
- Cell colors
- Simulation description
- Exceptions handled:
- Empty string passed in (returns “0”)
- Invalid or no simulation type given (throws exception)
- Invalid cell states given (throws exception)
- Cell locations given that are outside the bounds of the grid’s size (throws exception)
- No initial configurations given (randomizes based on a total number of locations to occupy)
- Negative value rows/columns integers (gets absolute valued)
- Zero value rows/columns integers (throws exception)
- Too many / not enough colors given (throws exception)
- Invalid shape type string given (defaults to square)
- Odd rows/columns parameter when triangle is chosen (throws exception)
- Invalid edge type string given (defaults to finite)
- Invalid gridlines integer given (default hides gridlines)
- Null/Empty Title, Author, Description strings even (default shows “No Title” / “No Author” / “No Description”)
- Cell population graph
- Dynamic simulation parameter changing
- Interaction with cells through the UI
- Multiple windows
- Graph only works for last graph opened
Assumptions or Simplifications:
- RPS uses simplified methods for autoinducer decay and release
- Foraging ants does not care about ant orientation
- Langton's loop is always run on a square grid
Known Bugs:
- Triangle grid does not allow selection of neighbors
- Langton's loop does not simulate properly
Extra credit:
- For multiple windows, the graph only displays for the last window opened. Additionally, a previously implemented reset button no longer works and was commented out.
- We chose to create new windows because we wanted to give the users the flexibility to arrange the simulations as they saw fit.
- They do not need to be the same simulation type because we did not end getting the graph to work.
- All the controls apply to all graphs because it was easier and we did not have enough time to implement some sort of mapping of thread IDs to specific Timelines.
- We attempted this and thread ID conventions were very confusing and we ran out of time.
- For Foraging Ants, it is best to run it at 2x speed. The ants themselves our invisible, and the white cells represent cells where pheromones have built up.
Many of the assumptions that were made during design week turned out to be untrue.
JavaFX and Java threads are super confusing because anything that needs to interact with the UI needs to run in the main JavaFX thread
- If a background thread needs to modify the UI, you need to call Platform.runLater()
- Threads in general were also confusing with threads, tasks, executors, etc.