WIP. Ignore. ORM progress in branch.
Many node ORMs and querying DSLs try to escape queries to avoid SQL injection, which is cumbersome and error-prone. SQLMagic uses parametrized queries with mysql2, pg and sqlite3 to avoid SQL injection. In addition, it provides a name when required to enable prepared statements. This improves performance as only a short name is sent to be parsed, rather than a full query, and the DB is able to re-use cached query plans for common queries.
'use strict';
let co = require('co');
let config = {dialect: 'mysql2', host: 'localhost', database: 'test'};
let orm = require('sqlmagic')(config);
co(function*() {
let id = 1;
let row = yield orm.execute`
FROM users
WHERE user_id = ${id}`;
// With mysql2: 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = ?', [1]
// With pg: 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = $1', [1]
To prevent errors such as forgetting to parametrize a query, orm.execute
must be invoked in one of the following ways:
let foo = 'bar';
// Used as a tag for a tagged template string as seen above
orm.execute`SELECT * FROM...{$foo}`;
// Passed a query string and array of values:
orm.execute('SELECT * FROM...?', [foo]);
// Passed an object of the form:
orm.execute({text: 'SELECT * FROM...?', values: [foo]});
Invoking the function with a string, without an array of values, will result in an error.
let id = req.query.id;
// Not safe, since id hasn't been escaped/filtered/validated, and isn't
// being used in a parametrized query
orm.execute(`SELECT * FROM products WHERE product_id = ${id}`).catch((err) => {
// Error: Expected array of values for prepared statement
orm.execute`SELECT * FROM products WHERE product_id = ${id}`.then((res) => {
// Succeeds. Your query is safe!
Since SQLMagic requires parametrized queries and encourages prepared statements, the mysql module is not supported. The only supported drivers are: mysql2, pg and sqlite3.