
A torch package for learning diagnosis models from temporal patient data.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


A torch package for learning diagnosis models from temporal patient data.

For more details please check:

  1. http://arxiv.org/abs/1608.00647

Narges Razavian, Jake Marcus, David Sontag,"Multi-task Prediction of Disease Onsets from Longitudinal Lab Tests", Machine Learning and Healthcare, 2016

  1. http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.07938

Narges Razavian, David Sontag, "Temporal Convolutional Neural Networks for Diagnosis from Lab Tests", ICLR 2016 Workshop track.


The package has the following dependencies:

Python: Numpy, CPickle

LUA: Torch, cunn, nn, cutorch, gnuplot, optim, and rnn


Run the following in order. Creating datasets can be done in parallel over train/test/valid tasks. Up to you.

There are sample input files (./sample_python_data) that you can use to test the package first.

1) python create_torch_tensors.py --x  sample_python_data/xtrain.pkl --y sample_python_data/ytrain.pkl --task 'train' --outdir ./sampledata/

2) python create_torch_tensors.py --x sample_python_data/xtest.pkl --y sample_python_data/ytest.pkl --task 'test' --outdir ./sampledata/

3) python create_torch_tensors.py --x sample_python_data/xvalid.pkl --y sample_python_data/yvalid.pkl --task 'valid' --outdir ./sampledata/

4) th create_batches.lua --task=train --input_dir=./sampledata --batch_output_dir=./sampleBatchDir 

5) th create_batches.lua --task=valid --input_dir=./sampledata --batch_output_dir=./sampleBatchDir 

6) th create_batches.lua --task=scoretrain --input_dir=./sampledata --batch_output_dir=./sampleBatchDir 

7) th create_batches.lua --task=test --input_dir=./sampledata --batch_output_dir=./sampleBatchDir

8) th train_and_validate.lua --task=train --input_batch_dir=./sampleBatchDir --save_models_dir=./sample_models/

Once the model is trained, run the following to get final evaluations on test set: (change the "lstm2016_05_29_10_11_01" into the model directory that you have created in step 8. Training directories have timestamp.)

9) th train_and_validate.lua --task=test --validation_dir=./sample_models/lstm2016_05_29_10_11_01/

Read the following for details on how to define your cohort and task.

#Input: Input should be one of the two formats described below:

Here is an Imaginary input and output for a single person in 2 input setting.

Read below for the details:

Format 1) Python nympy arrays (also support cPickle) of size

xtrain, xvalid, xtest: |labs| x |people| x |cohort time| for creating the input batches

ytrain, yvalid, ytest: |diseases| x |people| x |cohort time| for creating the output batches and inclusion/exclusion for each batch member

Format 2) Python numpy arrays (also support cPickle) of size

xtrain, xvalid, xtest: |Labs| x |people| x |cohort time| for the output

ytrain, yvalid, ytest: |diseases| x |people| for the output, where we do not have a concept of time.

(Note that in format 2 you can also provide exclusion-per-disease for input. If you need that version, let me know and I'll update that part immediately.)

Format 3) advanced shelve databases, for our internal use.

Please refer to https://github.com/clinicalml/ckd_progression for details.

#Prediction Models:

Currently the following models are supported. The details of the architectures are included in the citation paper below.

  1. Logistic Regression (--model=max_logit)

  1. Feedforward network (--model=mlp)

  1. Temporal Convolutional neural network over a backward window (--model=convnet)

  1. Convolutional neural network over input and time dimension (--model=convnet_mix)

  1. Multi-resolution temporal convolutional neural network (--model=multiresconvnet)

  1. LSTM network over the backward window (--model=lstmlast) (note: a version --model=lstmall is also available but we found training with lstmlast gives better results)

  1. Ensemble of multiple models (to be added soon)

#Synthetic Input for testing the package

You can use the following to create synthetic numpy arrays to test the package;

python create_synthetic_data.py --outdir ./sample_python_data --N 6000  --D 15 --T 48 --O 20

This code will create 3 datasets (train, test, valid) in the ./sample_python_data directory, with dimensions of: 5 x 2000 x 48 for each input x (xtrain, xtest, xvalid) and 20 x 2000 x 48 for each outcome set y. This synthetic data corresponds to input type 1 above. Follow steps 1-9 in the (Run) section above to test with this data, and feel free to test with other synthetic datasets.

#Citation: @article{razavian2016temporal, title={Multi-task Prediction of Disease Onsets from Longitudinal Lab Tests}, author={Razavian, Narges and Marcus,Jake and Sontag, David}, journal={1st Conference on Machine Learning and Health Care (MLHC)}, year={2016} }

  title={Temporal Convolutional Neural Networks for Diagnosis from Lab Tests},
  author={Razavian, Narges and Sontag, David},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.07938},

#Bug reports, questions, and Contact:

For any questions please email: narges razavian [narges.sharif@gmail.com or https://github.com/narges-rzv/]