
Node app to get the time of STCP buses.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node STCP notifier CLI

Very simple Node.js application to scrap the STCP website to get the ETA of the next buses at a bus stop.


With this application I don't have to keep refreshing their website and I can get a notification when I need to get out to the bus stop. This way I don't loose my bus and I don't need to waste time waiting at the stop. 😄


What it does:

  • automatic requests every 30 seconds;
  • filter results to a specific line;
  • set notifications when bus is less than x minutes away.


Demonstration gif


STCP provides a tool to see the remaining times of the buses at any of its bus stations.

The tool functions with unique station codes. For example: AAL1 in http://www.stcp.pt/pt/viajar/horarios/?paragem=AAL1&t=smsbus

Peeking at the source code of the page, it was possible to discover a more stripped-down version of this tool at http://www.stcp.pt/itinerarium/soapclient.php?codigo=AAl1 which returns very little HTML and the information about the next buses. Here is an example of the returned HTML:

<div id="smsBusHeader">
  <div class="filtro">
<table id="smsBusResults" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
    <th>Hora Prevista</th>
    <th>Tempo de Espera</th>
  <tr class="even">
      <ul class="linhasAssoc">
        <li><a target="_self" class="linha_4m" title="" href="/pt/viajar/linhas/?linha=4M ">4M </a></li>
      &nbsp;AV. ALIADOS
  <tr class="even">
      <ul class="linhasAssoc">
        <li><a target="_self" class="linha_3m" title="" href="/pt/viajar/linhas/?linha=3M ">3M </a></li>
      &nbsp;AV. ALIADOS

The information we want is in the table with id smsBusResults in each of its rows with class even.

Getting Started

  1. Clone or download this repo;

  2. Open the directory in terminal;

  3. Install Node modules with npm install;

  4. Run the Node application with node stcp.js <bus stop code>.

  5. For easier usage, you can link the module with npm link; now you can use the CLI with just stcp <bus stop code>.