
Manage your GoDaddy DNS with PowerShell

Primary LanguagePowerShell

Managing GoDaddy DNS with PowerShell

This module allows you to quickly view, create, and edit DNS entries within your GoDaddy account.

Using the GoDaddy DNS Module


To install the GoDaddy module use Import-Module .\GoDaddy.psd1.

To autoload the module, copy the GoDaddy folder to %USERPROFILE%\Documents\WindowsPowershell\Modules.

Configuring API Key

To get started with this module you'll need a production GoDaddy API Key.

To set the key/secret pair, use Set-GoDaddyAPIKey:

PS C:\> Set-GoDaddyAPIKey -Key 2s7Yn1f2dW_VrYQjtDRMhdqQhy5zUMd7r -Secret VrYT3z2eEW8tfPsNJViCRA

To confirm, use Get-GoDaddyAPIKey:

PS C:\> Get-GoDaddyAPIKey

Key                               Secret
---                               ------
2s7Yn1f2dW_VrYQjtDRMhdqQhy5zUMd7r VrYT3z2eEW8tfPsNJViCRA

Using Get-GoDaddyDNS

Once your keys are configured you can use Get-GoDaddyDNS against any domain within your account:

PS C:\> Get-GoDaddyDNS clintcolding.com

type  name           data                                                                  ttl
----  ----           ----                                                                  ---
A     @                                                            600
A     @                                                            600
CNAME www            @                                                                    3600

Using Add-GoDaddyDNS

Add-GoDaddyDNS allows you to create new DNS records. Below we'll create a new A record for test.clintcolding.com with an Data of

PS C:\> Add-GoDaddyDNS clintcolding.com -Type A -Name test -Data

type name data         ttl
---- ---- ----         ---
A    test 3600

You can use Add-GoDaddyDNS to create records with the same name and type that point to different IPs:

PS C:\> Add-GoDaddyDNS clintcolding.com -Type A -Name test -Data

type name data         ttl
---- ---- ----         ---
A    test 3600
A    test 3600

You can also optionally define the TTL value using the TTL parameter.

Using Set-GoDaddyDNS

Set-GoDaddyDNS allows you to update DNS records. If you have multiple records with the same name and type, Set-GoDaddyDNS will replace them with the new record.

Using Get-GoDaddyDNS below, you can see we have two A records for test:

PS C:\> Get-GoDaddyDNS clintcolding.com

type  name           data                                                                  ttl
----  ----           ----                                                                  ---
A     @                                                            600
A     @                                                            600
A     test                                                           3600
A     test                                                           3600
CNAME www            @                                                                    3600

Using Set-GoDaddyDNS to update the A records for test will replace both of them with our new record:

PS C:\> Set-GoDaddyDNS clintcolding.com -Type A -Name test -Data

type name data         ttl
---- ---- ----         ---
A    test 3600

Adding and Setting SRV Records

When adding or setting SRV records, additional parameters are required. (Service, Priority, Protocol, Port, Weight)

If you run Add-GoDaddyDNS -Domain clintcolding.com -Type SRV, you will be prompted for the remaining required parameters.

Alternatively, you can explicitly name them all:

PS C:\> Add-GoDaddyDNS -Domain clintcolding.com -Type SRV -Name test -Data targethost.clintcolding.com -Service sip -Priority 10 -Protocol tcp -Port 5060 -Weight 10

type     : SRV
name     : test
data     : targethost.clintcolding.com
service  : _sip
protocol : _tcp
port     : 5060
weight   : 10
priority : 10
ttl      : 3600

You can further confirm using Get-GoDaddyDNS:

PS C:\> Get-GoDaddyDNS clintcolding.com

type  name  data                              ttl
----  ----  ----                              ---
SRV   test  targethost.clintcolding.com       3600