
0 Kb reports being generated for BizTalk

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PAL is consistently generating 0 Kb report files for BizTalk. All the charts have been generated in the charts folder however the html report is 0 kb. I have reverted to an old version of PAL for my BizTalk blg files which does work correctly. Any chance of getting this fixed for the new version?


I have faced with similar issue: 0kb PAL report generated for old Win2008 / SQL2005 environment. I'm getting folder with graphs and empty HTML. Is there any simple workaround?

If I remember correctly this issue arose when I was using PAL on a non-English operating system. It's also possible the perfmon counters are broken, (not uncommon on an old SQL Server) and you may try re-registering them. Check to see if your blg files actually contain some data, (are they just a few kb's in size or much bigger?) and open them in perfmon off the prod server somewhere secure. If there is data there you can do some manual analysis, unfortunately that's time intensive. There are some things that you can do to help yourself such as using Relog to export the counters, (cpu util, avail ram) you are interested in to csv. The csv can then be imported into excel where you can create nice tables.

I checked .blg file, it has correct data inside. Counters state and OS/SQL langs also are fine.
My collegue also gave advice to seek in config file for some misconfigurations. If no luck, then I'll try to parse blg with suggested ways.

Anyway, thank you for your time!