processing BLG files takes way too long
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Even with max cores used, normal priority, I've been parsing 2 days of a server "System Overview" blg since this morning and I'm about half-way done. Is it more efficient to load parsing in multiple VMs (on the same host) or even just run PAL multiple times with the same resources being shared? I have 24 GB of RAM and a Ryzen 1700x and I'm parsing PAL BLGs at about 8% util.
Actually reality just made a liar out of me. Sometimes it appears to be single PS process based, and the suddenly multiple PS processes spawn. In any event, is there any guidance on faster processing? Should I cap to something besides BLG, or just relog to SQL?
I haven't looked at the code here yet to see how it's being done (as I have a phobia of VB and VB.NET), but I'd wonder if some of the processes could be done in parallel in an MTA powershell.exe process or host?