
Edit Books using Javascript

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Development and Building

Below are instructions for building the book editor yourself and a layout of how the code is organized.

Building Yourself

  1. Download and extract (if necessary)
  2. Run npm install or just bower install in the directory to download and install dependencies
  3. Start up a webserver

Building Documentation

Documentation is built using docco.

find . -name "*.coffee" | grep -v './bower_components/' | grep -v './node_modules' | xargs ./node_modules/docco/bin/docco

Check the ./docs directory to read through the different modules.

Directory Layout

  • scripts/collections/ Backbone Collections
  • scripts/configs/ App and 3rd party configs
  • scripts/controllers/ Marionette Controllers
  • scripts/helpers/ Miscellaneous helper functions
  • scripts/models/ Backbone Models and Marionette Modules
  • scripts/nls/ Internationalized strings
  • scripts/routers/ Marionette Routers
  • scripts/views/ Backbone and Marionette Views
  • scripts/views/layouts/ Marionette Layouts
  • scripts/app.coffee Marionette Application
  • scripts/config.coffee Requirejs Config
  • scripts/main.js Initial Requirejs Loader
  • scripts/session.coffee Model of Session
  • styles/ LESS and CSS Styling
  • templates/ Handlebars Templates
  • templates/helpers/ Handlebars Helpers
  • test/ Testable mock data and scripts
  • index.html App's HTML Page


This software is subject to the provisions of the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3.0 (AGPL). See license.txt for details. Copyright (c) 2013 Rice University