
Sample "app" for some testing and playing around.

Primary LanguageShell

Demo App for CICD Experimentation

This is a sample application used as part of the CICD Learning Lab. This lab walks the user through setting up a full CICD pipeline that will monitor a GitHub repo for changes and build a container based on the changes, publish it to Docker Hub, update a Production app deployment and leverage Cisco Spark to update on status.

The application itself is a very basic "Hello World" application written in Python and leveraging Flask as an interface.

This repo includes the following resources:

Repo Information

  • README.md
    • This document
  • .gitignore
    • Standard gitignore file to prevent commiting unneeded or security risk files

CICD Build Configuration

  • .drone.yml
    • CICD Build instructions for Drone Server
  • drone_secrets_sample.yml
    • template for the secrets file that will be used to encrypt credentials

Application Files

  • Dockerfile
    • Docker build file for applicaiton container
  • requirements.txt
    • pip installation requirements
  • demoapp.py
    • Actual application code

Deployment Scripts

  • app_install.sh
    • Bash script to install the application to Marathon running on Mantl
  • app_uninstall.sh
    • Bash script to uninstall the application to Marathon running on Mantl
  • sample-demoapp.json
    • template for the application installation