
This is a bookstore management system built with golang, connected to a local mysql database


  1. Get List of all books in the Database
  2. Create a Book
  3. Get a Book by ID
  4. Update a Book
  5. Delete a Book from the Database

How To Use

  1. Ensure that you have mysql workspace running in your background.

  2. run "git pull https://github.com/clinton-felix/golang-bookstore-project"

  3. Update the func Connect in the app.go file, by inserting your MYSQL root password

  4. Run "go run main.go" in your terminal. This will start a server at Localhost port: 9010

  5. open postman or Thunder Client in vscode and test the API route calls to the Database

Available Route calls:

  1. Get Books: /book/ :(Method: GET)

  2. Create a Book: /book/ :(Method: POST)

  3. Get a Book by ID: /book/{id}/ :(Method: GET)

  4. Update a Book: /book/{id}/ :(Method: PUT)

  5. Delete a Book: /book/{id}/ :(Method: DELETE)