
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Discretization Invariant Networks for Learning Maps between Neural Fields

License: MIT

Project | Paper

DI-Nets learn directly from datasets of neural fields

DI-Net is a framework for learning discretization invariant operators on neural fields. This repository focuses on convolutional DI-Nets, continuous generalizations of CNNs, which can be trained to classify and segment visual data represented by neural fields under various discretizations.

Reproducing our experiments

Start by setting paths in dinet/__init__.py according to where you want to store data and temp files.

Creating datasets of neural fields

In our paper, we create neural fields by fitting the Cityscapes dataset for segmentation and the ImageNet1k dataset for classification. The 12 labels for classifying ImageNet1k are derived from the big_12 subset.

After downloading the datasets, you need to modify fit_inr.py to specify where your images are located. By default, each job only fits a subset of the dataset (end_ix in configs/fit_config.yaml specifies how many images are fit per job). Modify fit_inr.py to change this behavior. To neural fields, run the following command on a GPU for each subset: python fit_inr.py -d=[dataset_name] -s=[start_index]

  • -d must match one of the entries in configs/fit_config.yaml, i.e. inet12 (ImageNet fit with SIREN), inet_rff (ImageNet fit with Random Fourier Features), or * cityscapes (SIREN)
  • -s is the index of the dataset to start this job from, for fitting in parallel. Start with 0, then should be end_ix, 2*end_ix, etc.

Training and evaluating DI-Net

To train a DI-Net, run python train.py -j=[train_jobname] -c=[config_name] where config_name must be one of the filenames in configs/*/*.yaml, e.g. -c=inet_i2.

configs/ contains the following settings for train.py:

  • inet/: ImageNet classification
    • inet_i2: train DI-Net-2 with QMC discretization
    • inet_i2g: train DI-Net-2 with grid discretization
    • inet_i2s: train DI-Net-2 with shrunk discretization
    • inet_i4: train DI-Net-4 with QMC
    • inet_nn2: train 2-layer CNN (32x32 resolution)
    • inet_nn4: train 4-layer CNN
    • inet_mlp: train MLP mapping SIREN params to class label
    • inet_nuft: train non-uniform CNN (Jiang et al.)
    • snet_train: train truncated EfficientNet translated to DI-Net
    • cnext_train: train truncated ConvNext translated to DI-Net
  • seg/: CityScapes segmentation
    • seg_i3: train DI-Net-3
    • seg_i5: train DI-Net-5
    • seg_nn3: train 3-layer fully convolutional network (FCN)
    • seg_nn5: train 5-layer FCN
    • seg_hyper: train hypernetwork on SIREN parameters
    • seg_nuft: train non-uniform CNN (Jiang et al.)
  • sdf/: signed distance function prediction
    • sdf_i3: train/test DI-Net with QMC discretization
    • sdf_i3g: train/test DI-Net with grid discretization
    • sdf_i3r: train/test DI-Net with random Monte Carlo discretization
    • sdf_i3s: train/test DI-Net with shrunk discretization
    • sdf_i3qs: train DI-Net with randomized QMC discretization and test with shrunk discretization
    • sdf_i3as: train DI-Net with mixed discretization and test with shrunk discretization
    • following the examples in sdf_i3as and sdf_i3qs you can train/test all other discretization combinations
    • sdf_nn3: train/test fully convolutional network

For signed distance function prediction, the validation statistics and examples are saved during training. For classification and segmentation, run python infer.py -j=[val_jobname] -c=[config_name] --target_job=[train_jobname] to perform validation.

configs/ contains the following settings for infer.py:

  • inet/: ImageNet classification
    • inet_val: assess model performance on validation images fit to RFF (default)
    • ival_siren: assess model performance on validation images fit to SIREN (for MLP)
    • ival_half: assess model on 16x16 resolution
    • ival_1x5: assess model on 48x48 resolution
    • ival_2x: assess model on 64x64 resolution
    • ival_2x5: assess model on 80x80 resolution
    • ival_3x: assess model on 96x96 resolution
    • ival_q: assess model on QMC discretization
    • ival_s: assess model on shrunk discretization
    • ival_g: assess model with grid discretization
  • seg/: CityScapes segmentation
    • seg_val_c: assess model performance on coarse segmentations (in-distribution)
    • seg_val: assess model performance on fine segmentations (out-of-distribution)

Additional functions for analyzing the data can be found in utils/analyze.py.


CUDA is required. The code cannot run on CPU. Most code was run on NVIDIA Quadro RTX 5000.


Discretization Invariant Networks for Learning Maps between Neural Fields
Clinton J. Wang and Polina Golland
Transactions on Machine Learning Research 2023

If you find this work useful please use the following citation:

      title={Discretization Invariant Networks for Learning Maps between Neural Fields}, 
      author={Clinton J. Wang and Polina Golland},


Thanks to Neel Dey and Daniel Moyer for their many helpful suggestions.