
Collector of stats to help monitoring application performances

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Clipperz stats collector


This is a very simple tool to collect stats of Clipperz application performances. There is a "client" script (collectData.py) that will perform a full authentication on the live Clipperz server and collect some data and timing info in the process; the collected data will than be sent to the collector script running on collector.stats.clipperz.is. The current version of the "server" script (collector.py) will repack the data in a Splunk friendly format, and forward it to SplunkStorm 1 where all the data are actually collected.

Running the client

The client is meant to be executed across the world, in order to understand better how the application behaves globally.


In order to be able to execute the collector script, you need to have the 'requests' library installed. On a plain Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTE these are the steps required to set everything up:

$ sudo apt-get install -y python-pip
$ sudo pip install requests


In order to avoid flooding Splunk with crap data, we are asking anyone willing to help us in monitoring the application to ask for an authentication key.



export AUTH_KEY="SAMPLE_KEY"; python <(curl -s -L https://raw.github.com/clipperz/stats-collector/master/collectData.py)


export AUTH_KEY="SAMPLE_KEY"; python <(wget -qO- https://raw.github.com/clipperz/stats-collector/master/collectData.py)


In order to collect data regularly, it is possible to schedule a simple script with cron. This is what the script looks like (you may save it with the 'collector.sh' name):

#! /bin/bash

python <(curl -s -L https://raw.github.com/clipperz/stats-collector/master/collectData.py)

Remember to add execution permissions:

$ chmod +x collector.sh

Last step is to edit crontab ('crontab -e') to execute it.

*/15 * * * * /home/ubuntu/collector.sh > /dev/null 2>&1


In order to collect data once in a while, the watch command may be more convenient (not tried yet):

$ export AUTH_KEY="__SAMPLE_KEY__";
$ watch -n 900 python <(curl -s -L https://raw.github.com/clipperz/stats-collector/master/collectData.py)

On MacOSX, where watch may not be available, you may use this sequence of commands

$ export AUTH_KEY="__SAMPLE_KEY__";
$ while :; do clear; python <(curl -s -L https://raw.github.com/clipperz/stats-collector/master/collectData.py); sleep 900; done