CLFaceDetectionImagePicker is a clean and so-easy-to-use ImagePicker meant to do live face detection. It will draw a square if any face is detected in the camera as below and take photo automatically if the face detection is passed.
- Drag the
folder into your project.
Please download all of the files in the repo and run it directly to have a look.
Use CLFaceDetectionImagePicker wisely! Lights in front of the camera will affect the accuracy of face detection.
Using CLFaceDetectionImagePicker in your app will usually look as simple as this :
_imagePickerViewController = [CLFaceDetectionImagePickerViewController new];
_imagePickerViewController.delegate = self;
//Show the ImagePicker
[self presentViewController:self.imagePickerViewController animated:YES completion:nil];
After the imagePicker take photo or dismiss without detecting any face, it will fire CLFaceDetectionImagePickerDidDismiss delegate function as below which you need to apply
//After getting data callback
-(void)CLFaceDetectionImagePickerDidDismiss:(NSData *)data blnSuccess:(BOOL)blnSuccess
self.statusInfo.text = (blnSuccess)?@"Success":@"Failed";
self.imageView.image = [UIImage imageWithData:data];
self.imageView.hidden = NO;
self.imageView.hidden = YES;
**Please be aware customisation delegate function is optional, if u do not apply it, it will just fire the default value.
Using CLFaceDetectionImagePickerDelegate to customise the behaviour
Following customisation key is allowed
-CLTotalDetectCountDownSecond; //Total length of waiting period for face detection - Default: 10
-CLFaceDetectionSquareImageName; //Image name for the face detection square image - Default: CameraSquare
-CLFaceDetectionTimes; //Continually detecting face times, this will be helpful to make sure the people are not shaking his head by purpose - Default: 5
-CLCameraPosition; //Choose which camera you want to use, CLCaptureDevicePositionBack or CLCaptureDevicePositionFront -Default: CLCaptureDevicePositionFront
You need to fire below delegate function to apply your customisation
// Optional!!! Set The Face Detection Behavior Attributes
-(NSDictionary *)faceDetectionBehaviorAttributes
return @{
CLFaceDetectionTimes : @10, //Total times for capture clear detected face images to prevent user shake their heads in purpose
CLFaceDetectionSquareImageName : @"CameraSqaure", //Different FaceDetection Square Image. try to use "squarePNG" for different image
CLTotalDetectCountDownSecond : @12, //Total waiting time, after this value, the picker will auto closed no matter it get face detected or not.
CLCameraPosition : [NSNumber numberWithInteger:CLCaptureDevicePositionFront] //Which camera try to use, Front or back. CLCaptureDevicePositionBack or CLCaptureDevicePositionFront
CLFaceDetectionImagePicker is brought to you by [Caesar Li]